Blur and Sharpen
I took this picture of a spectacular mammatocumulus display using the film that
happened to be in my camera, Fuji NPH 400. The grain was more than I expected,
particularly in the relatively neutral clouds. Here you see the unretouched
My challenge was to eliminate the grain in the clouds while preserving the
detail in the trees. Here are the steps I used.
- Since the trees are relatively silhouetted against the sky, I created a
mask from the coverage of the trees. I did this by increasing the contrast
and adjusting brightness until I had a hard edged mask. Because of the varying
brightness around the several areas of the trees, I performed this task
separately for each group of trees.
- Through trial and error, I figured out that the mask was not good enough.
I used an erode filter to expand the mask a bit, and then I applied a gaussian
blur with radius 3 to the mask. This was to soften the transition between
sharpened/blurred areas of the final image.
- I applied this mask to the unretouched image and applies a gaussian blur to
the image, again with a radius of 3, through the mask.
- I inverted the mask and applied an unsharpen filter to the leaves of the
Here is the result of applying this procedure.