Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 20, 2000 at 22:31:17:
This is a little visual treat for all you guys who've wondered what it might have been like to enjoy a shred of self determination during your childhood, and also for all the folks who don't seem to believe that kids like this exist.
Yes, not a day goes by that someone doesn't refer to these guys as girls, but they care not a whit, take it all in stride and are some of the coolest, kindest kids you'd ever want to meet. I'm proud to be their mom.
Best wishes to all you longhairs. Keep the faith.
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Webmaster on February 21, 2000 at 01:13:46:
In Reply to: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 20, 2000 at 22:31:17:
The problem is that you put the URL in the Optional Image URL field, when in actuality it is a web page and not a picture. For web pages, use the Optional Link URL. This will now work, however, unless you also enter a Link Title
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dave on February 21, 2000 at 01:26:57:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Webmaster on February 21, 2000 at 01:13:46:
much better....
finally pics....
but....from do we know they r boys?
: The problem is that you put the URL in the Optional Image URL field, when in actuality it is a web page and not a picture. For web pages, use the Optional Link URL. This will now work, however, unless you also enter a Link Title
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 21, 2000 at 02:16:41:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Dave on February 21, 2000 at 01:26:57:
LOL!!! Well, Dave, you've got me there but you'll just have to take my word for it. I've also never shown my face with my photos online and its just more comfortable that way, I mean, I like to share but one has to maintain some semblence of personal privacy. Thats not meant to be evasive and I suppose you do have quite a good point, but, well, this is all I'm willing to divulge about them is their hair. I guess that still leaves lots of room for someone to discount them if they choose to. Gee, Dave, you're making me wonder what was the point of sharing them at all......And now that I think about it, people who meet them in person, face to face, think they are perfectly reasonable in assuming they're girls (they're pretty handsome kids) so even if I did show you their faces too you could still make an argument that they were just tomboy girls. Sooooo,..... well,... there's only one real way to prove they're boys and thats not gonna happen. Reminds me of a family joke in fact, we have one local delivery guy who has seen these kids every few months for all their lives. Everytime he comes to the house he says "hey how are the girls" and everytime someone politely says, "oh, they're boys" and after a few years now we're all pretty well convinced that the only thing that will get this guy to acknowledge that they're boys is to shake that stick at him, as it were. Just a joke, but an interesting illustration of what longhaired kids deal with all the time. Some people get it and some people just won't no matter how nice you try to be.
So I guess the answer to your question is, you don't know for sure and I've got nothing else to give you to provide irrefutable proof. Sorry.
Best wishes to everyone,
: much better....
: finally pics....
: but....from do we know they r boys?
: Dave
: : The problem is that you put the URL in the Optional Image URL field, when in actuality it is a web page and not a picture. For web pages, use the Optional Link URL. This will now work, however, unless you also enter a Link Title
Re: Kids hair
Posted by JR on February 22, 2000 at 17:59:49:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 21, 2000 at 02:16:41:
:The pictures of your kids are great. Its also great than you and your husband have long hair too. Its a shame that so many people pre-judge someone without knowing them. Everybody needs to do what they want not what everybody else wants. Next time post a whole family picture. I sure everyone will enjoy them.
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Tina on February 23, 2000 at 13:30:58:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 21, 2000 at 02:16:41:
Thank you so much for posting the pics of your boys. You will never know how much it meant to my son. I printed a copy and he has it hanging in his room as a reminder that it's OK for a boy to have long hair. All your son's hair looks wonderful; how old are they? Tracey just turned 11 (if I would have known he would have waist length hair I might have named him something different). I used to trim his ends right before school starts and again on his birthday, but lately he has been objecting so I guess it will get a little longer. He is so used to dealing with the girl comments that it hardly affects him anymore. I do have guilt feelings every now and then. There are some people who think I'm an awful mom. We had a horrible incident at the dentist last month. It was a nasty day, and the walk from the car to the office left Tracey's hair in tangles. We were early so I had him sit in front of me while I brushed out and braided his hair. After Tracey went back to the dentist a lady came over and sat by me and started going on and on about what a pretty daughter I had. When I finally explained that Tracey was a boy, she started in on a religious tirade that made me wait in the car. Oh well, most people are very supportive, it's just every now and then something like that happens. Anyway, thank you again.
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Ottawa MAle on February 23, 2000 at 15:46:04:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Tina on February 23, 2000 at 13:30:58:
Bless you, Tina. I'm with you and Tracey all the way.
That religious lady, lemme guess: I Corinthians 11:14, all about
long hair on males being an abomination to the Lord? Did I get it
right? Well, I don't go for that "abomination" bit. I think that's
just St. Paul speaking for St. Paul, not necessarily for God. Enjoy
the long hair on males and females. It's one way we can enjoy life.
P.S.: If I were present at that religious lady's tirade, she
would have been royally scolded by me most scathingly!!
.. After Tracey went back to the dentist a lady came over and sat by me and started going on and on about what a pretty daughter I had. When I finally explained that Tracey was a boy, she started in on a religious tirade ..
: Tina
Religious tirades...
Posted by Zorba on February 23, 2000 at 17:35:36:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Ottawa MAle on February 23, 2000 at 15:46:04:
: Bless you, Tina. I'm with you and Tracey all the way.
: That religious lady, lemme guess: I Corinthians 11:14, all about
: long hair on males being an abomination to the Lord? Did I get it
: right? Well, I don't go for that "abomination" bit. I think that's
: just St. Paul speaking for St. Paul, not necessarily for God. Enjoy
: the long hair on males and females. It's one way we can enjoy life.
I am a VERY religious person - but that religion just happens to
NOT be Christianity. Some people just can't seem to grok that
I don't acknowledge their book. Like Mr. Spock once said "it is
difficult to discuss this topic without a common frame of reference".
As the Bible is this type of person't frame of reference, when they
find out that you're not even IN their frame of reference, it kinda
takes the wind out of their sails.
Depending on YOUR religion, YMMV!
"Christian" tirades...
Posted by Ottawa Male on February 25, 2000 at 21:30:57:
In Reply to: Religious tirades... posted by Zorba on February 23, 2000 at 17:35:36:
I'm religious too, Zorba, Christian, in fact. I just don't accept
the Falwellian "short-haired males" fundamentallism coming from
ultra-conservative members of the faith. That's why we have
denominations. We hold certain doctrine in common, ie., salvation
through faith in Christ, but some of us differ on the Bible's
pronouncement against long-haired males as in I Corinthians.
: : That religious lady, lemme guess: I Corinthians 11:14, all about
: : long hair on males being an abomination to the Lord?
: Sigh....
: I am a VERY religious person - but that religion just happens to
: NOT be Christianity. ..
: As the Bible is this type of person't frame of reference, when they
: find out that you're not even IN their frame of reference, it kinda
: takes the wind out of their sails.
: Depending on YOUR religion, YMMV!
: -Zorba
Re: "Christian" tirades...
Posted by Zorba on February 25, 2000 at 23:30:08:
In Reply to: "Christian" tirades... posted by Ottawa Male on February 25, 2000 at 21:30:57:
: I'm religious too, Zorba, Christian, in fact. I just don't accept
: the Falwellian "short-haired males" fundamentallism coming from
: ultra-conservative members of the faith. That's why we have
: denominations. We hold certain doctrine in common, ie., salvation
: through faith in Christ, but some of us differ on the Bible's
: pronouncement against long-haired males as in I Corinthians.
Good for you. Seriously. You obviously think for yourself and
apply logic to the situation. Too bad a lot of people, Christian
or otherwise cannot do the same!
(And I enjoy your posts, keep 'em coming!)
Re: "Christian" tirades...
Posted by viking on March 06, 2000 at 14:28:22:
In Reply to: Re: "Christian" tirades... posted by Zorba on February 25, 2000 at 23:30:08:
: : I'm religious too, Zorba, Christian, in fact. I just don't accept
: : the Falwellian "short-haired males" fundamentallism coming from
: : ultra-conservative members of the faith. That's why we have
: : denominations. We hold certain doctrine in common, ie., salvation
: : through faith in Christ, but some of us differ on the Bible's
: : pronouncement against long-haired males as in I Corinthians.
: Good for you. Seriously. You obviously think for yourself and
: apply logic to the situation. Too bad a lot of people, Christian
: or otherwise cannot do the same!
: (And I enjoy your posts, keep 'em coming!)
: -Zorba
: I'm new to the message board. I'm a byzantine catholic male with shoulder length hair which I will keep the rest of life. My pastor of my church, who has waist length hair an a long beard, stated that it was tradition for boys and men to grow their hair long. It's worth going to mass every Sunday to see him. Keep the faith: Long hair for men and boys forever!!!!
Re: "Christian" tirades...
Posted by MJ on March 10, 2000 at 21:45:16:
In Reply to: Re: "Christian" tirades... posted by viking on March 06, 2000 at 14:28:22:
: : I'm new to the message board. I'm a byzantine catholic male with shoulder length hair which I will keep the rest of life. My pastor of my church, who has waist length hair an a long beard, stated that it was tradition for boys and men to grow their hair long. It's worth going to mass every Sunday to see him. Keep the faith: Long hair for men and boys forever!!!!
I'm an atheist myself, but in one of my history classes at the university we had a speaker who, besides being a history professor, was a cleric at the local Eastern Orthodox Church. He had mid-back length hair and a pretty long beard too. It seems to be the fashion among the Orthodox churches.
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Rudy on March 20, 2000 at 04:26:48:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Ottawa MAle on February 23, 2000 at 15:46:04:
: That religious lady, lemme guess: I Corinthians 11:14, all about
: long hair on males being an abomination to the Lord? Did I get it
: right? Well, I don't go for that "abomination" bit. I think that's
: just St. Paul speaking for St. Paul, not necessarily for God. Enjoy
: the long hair on males and females. It's one way we can enjoy life.
I think this is a typical case of (i) people misunderstanding St. Paul, (ii) not reading scripture carefully.
The whole point of 1 Cor. 11:14 is not to serve as an injunction that long hair on males is wrong, but rather to teach the need to be reverent in eating the Lord's supper. A careful reading will show that Paul says "judge for yourselves, does not nature teach you that long hair on a man is degrading to him?" The quotation does not end there. He is simply telling the Corinthians to compare their reactions to a longhaired guy in the then shorthaired culture, and to draw a parallel to that with eating the Lord's Supper irreverently. He does NOT at any point tell his readers not to wear their hair long.
The Bible does not teach that long hair on a man is sinful. Look at the Nazirites.
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 23, 2000 at 20:00:37:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Tina on February 23, 2000 at 13:30:58:
Oh Tina, what a sweet reply, I'm so glad to have been supportive in some way. My guys are 7, 9, and 10 and they too have come to the point where they just sort of brush off the girl references. We do have lots of discussions though, (usually everytime we go out somewhere), about the misconception and how it affects them and whether they want to continue as they are. Their response is always a resounding, we don't care, let people think what they want, they don't have to live in our bodies, which I am very proud of. Actually, being a bit different (by choice) is a wonderful way to protect your children from the crowd mentality syndrome that afflicts most kids, I have to fit in, I have to be just like everyone else, have what they have, talk like they talk, be like they are, etc. They are essentially immune to fads, peer pressure and assorted other personality warping phenomena because they have no interest in following the herd. I encourage that, to say the least.
We're fortunate to live in a rather eclectic community and long hair is not at all uncommon here so I haven't had any incidents like the one you described but I'm with OM and Zorba that it would have been hard to hold my tongue and not offer up a few choice references to confuse her a bit. When my guys hair got well past shoulder length we started keeping it in a braid most of the time, especially in public, its just easier, less conspicuous and really keeps down those tangles. I make them special hairties that don't look too "girly" and its worked very well. Yes, some say, well if you're going to keep it up all the time why even have long hair, but a true longhair understands that its the ability TO take it down that matters, with short hair there aren't those options.
The boys just came in as I'm writing this and when I explained to them your post they were just tickled pink to have been able to offer some support to a fellow "brother". Please tell Tracey hello for them, they asked me to send him their most heartfelt best wishes!
Keep the faith!
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Zorba on February 24, 2000 at 10:43:03:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 23, 2000 at 20:00:37:
:Actually, being a bit different (by choice) is a wonderful way to :protect your children from the crowd mentality syndrome that afflicts :most kids, I have to fit in, I have to be just like everyone else, :have what they have, talk like they talk, be like they are, etc. They :are essentially immune to fads, peer pressure and assorted other :personality warping phenomena because they have no interest in :following the herd. I encourage that, to say the least.
Oh, yes, Yes, YES! You are so right here. And having a childhood
like that myself, I think overall, they'll be much happier as
adults. Good call!
But if the kid doesn't want to be different - ah there's the rub.
My (now adult) daughter was always so concerned about popularity.
She once asked me if I was "popular" when I was her age. "Not
exactly, and I didn't care!"
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 25, 2000 at 17:36:11:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Zorba on February 24, 2000 at 10:43:03:
Oh yes, it would be a quite different story if a child wants very much to be popular. That popularity thing is such a two edged sword. It always requires you to surrender a bit of your self respect in the name of the cliche. I never had what it takes to do that and so was "fringe" popular, not quite accepted into the inner circle because I wouldn't put the group above myself. I just read a wonderful homeschooler article about this very notion, that some people truly NEED to be social, part of a group, they thrive on "popularity" while others are inherently, well,... hermitlike. They love solitude, quiet, can't stand running with the pack. We tend to negate and terrorize the latter group by revering the traits of the former, ie, everyone must want to be an outgoing cheerleader/prominent sports star type otherwise there is something wrong with them. Back to the age old problem of accepting people for who they are not what society decides we should want them to be and that there is value and something to be learned from ALL varieties of people. A philosophy longhairs are the perfect ambassadors for!
Best wishes to everyone!
: :Actually, being a bit different (by choice) is a wonderful way to :protect your children from the crowd mentality syndrome that afflicts :most kids, I have to fit in, I have to be just like everyone else, :have what they have, talk like they talk, be like they are, etc. They :are essentially immune to fads, peer pressure and assorted other :personality warping phenomena because they have no interest in :following the herd. I encourage that, to say the least.
: Oh, yes, Yes, YES! You are so right here. And having a childhood
: like that myself, I think overall, they'll be much happier as
: adults. Good call!
: But if the kid doesn't want to be different - ah there's the rub.
: My (now adult) daughter was always so concerned about popularity.
: She once asked me if I was "popular" when I was her age. "Not
: exactly, and I didn't care!"
: -Zorba
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Tina on February 25, 2000 at 23:29:01:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 23, 2000 at 20:00:37:
Hi Dawn,
It's Tina again. We are just wondering; the first three pics are your son's, right? Who are the other three, and who is the blonde on the bottom row? Tracey's hair is as long or longer as your first pic. We are going to let it grow for at least two more years, it is so thick that I'm thinking of having some layering done. That way it should dry quicker and bring out more of his natural wave. What are your boys plans?
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 26, 2000 at 18:01:34:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Tina on February 25, 2000 at 23:29:01:
Hi there Tina,
The pictures are in ascending order my 7 year old, 9 year old and 10 year old. The group shot is them with their hair as they usually wear it pulled back and braided. The last shot was for Tom who asked how my hair was these days. It was taken from the top of a ladder in order to fit it all in the frame since its approachig 5 feet in length now. We've been talking about how long the boys will let theirs grow and they say they don't know, but they know they're just not done yet! My youngest has very thick hair too, but I would be careful about the layering, it can be a real pain with parts that won't stay put in a ponytail. You might want to try one of the better leave in conditioners, they can really help tame a thick head of hair and get it to lay better.
Good hearing from you!
Best wishes to everyone,
: Hi Dawn,
: It's Tina again. We are just wondering; the first three pics are your son's, right? Who are the other three, and who is the blonde on the bottom row? Tracey's hair is as long or longer as your first pic. We are going to let it grow for at least two more years, it is so thick that I'm thinking of having some layering done. That way it should dry quicker and bring out more of his natural wave. What are your boys plans?
: Tina
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Kelly on February 27, 2000 at 14:29:22:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Tina on February 23, 2000 at 13:30:58:
Hey...Dawn and Tina.....:
My name is Kelly ( i m 29). I have a 12 y/o son who loves his longhair too. I wish you guys had e mail addresses...i hate to do this publically. He loves the hair so i do not hassle him, eveen though he gets harrasssed in school. Its now past mid back...blond and very str8. He;s asking me to set it now. Should i help him. I m almost sure hes straight....he plays sports... Also, do your sons spend lots of time washing and combing?
thanx for the help....
: Thank you so much for posting the pics of your boys. You will never know how much it meant to my son. I printed a copy and he has it hanging in his room as a reminder that it's OK for a boy to have long hair. All your son's hair looks wonderful; how old are they? Tracey just turned 11 (if I would have known he would have waist length hair I might have named him something different). I used to trim his ends right before school starts and again on his birthday, but lately he has been objecting so I guess it will get a little longer. He is so used to dealing with the girl comments that it hardly affects him anymore. I do have guilt feelings every now and then. There are some people who think I'm an awful mom. We had a horrible incident at the dentist last month. It was a nasty day, and the walk from the car to the office left Tracey's hair in tangles. We were early so I had him sit in front of me while I brushed out and braided his hair. After Tracey went back to the dentist a lady came over and sat by me and started going on and on about what a pretty daughter I had. When I finally explained that Tracey was a boy, she started in on a religious tirade that made me wait in the car. Oh well, most people are very supportive, it's just every now and then something like that happens. Anyway, thank you again.
: Tina
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 27, 2000 at 20:58:00:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Kelly on February 27, 2000 at 14:29:22:
Hi Kelly,
You mean like he wants you to set it in rollers so he can have bouncy curls for wearing to school? Does he wear it down all the time? And have you asked him exactly why he would prefer such a style?
I would have trepidations about doing this, well, to be honest, I would discourage my guys if they expressed an interest in doing this, so the big question is, why does your boy want to? Thats really the big issue that would need to be addressed I would think. Your kid has what most people would consider very long hair and the whole gender issue is always right there, adding the cross dressing issue into it as well is going to be even tougher and takes the whole thing way beyond just hair.
Its back to a debate that went on many moons ago about ribbons and bows in boys hair. I thought the posts were mostly bogus attempts to stir the pot but the essential point of the discussion was that long hair on boys or men is not (for the most part) used by these men as an attempt to be more feminine, it is rather an intense expression of their masculinity. Curlers really don't fit well with that. My guys won't even wear hairties in colors they think are too "girly" so I'm afraid maybe I'm not much help in this area.
Again, ask him why and see if maybe its about more than hair.
Good luck!
Best wishes,
: Hey...Dawn and Tina.....:
: My name is Kelly ( i m 29). I have a 12 y/o son who loves his longhair too. I wish you guys had e mail addresses...i hate to do this publically. He loves the hair so i do not hassle him, eveen though he gets harrasssed in school. Its now past mid back...blond and very str8. He;s asking me to set it now. Should i help him. I m almost sure hes straight....he plays sports... Also, do your sons spend lots of time washing and combing?
: thanx for the help....
: Kelly
: Dawn,
: : Thank you so much for posting the pics of your boys. You will never know how much it meant to my son. I printed a copy and he has it hanging in his room as a reminder that it's OK for a boy to have long hair. All your son's hair looks wonderful; how old are they? Tracey just turned 11 (if I would have known he would have waist length hair I might have named him something different). I used to trim his ends right before school starts and again on his birthday, but lately he has been objecting so I guess it will get a little longer. He is so used to dealing with the girl comments that it hardly affects him anymore. I do have guilt feelings every now and then. There are some people who think I'm an awful mom. We had a horrible incident at the dentist last month. It was a nasty day, and the walk from the car to the office left Tracey's hair in tangles. We were early so I had him sit in front of me while I brushed out and braided his hair. After Tracey went back to the dentist a lady came over and sat by me and started going on and on about what a pretty daughter I had. When I finally explained that Tracey was a boy, she started in on a religious tirade that made me wait in the car. Oh well, most people are very supportive, it's just every now and then something like that happens. Anyway, thank you again.
: : Tina
Re: Kids hair
Posted by cjs on March 02, 2000 at 19:08:20:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Kelly on February 27, 2000 at 14:29:22:
Hi Kelly,
I don't mean to butt in, however I have 3 sons now 39, 38, 36 the two older ones always wore their hair mid back from about 8 years old until they were in their mid twentys. I curled their hair, they curled their hair their sisters and girl friends curled their hair and they thought of it as fun. My other son wanted nothing to do with it so we had his hair cut short when he was about 7 and he wore it that way until his wife convinced him to grow it long, at age 36 it is about mid shoulder and she sets it for him two or three times a week. Figure that one out. I say if they want to try it let them, if it isn't illeagle or imorle it sure helps to give them a sense of where they want to set their boundries. We always taught our children (all six) to be who they wanted to be and not let someone else put them down, it helped that they all stuck together and stood up for each other.
Good Luck - cjs
: Hey...Dawn and Tina.....:
: My name is Kelly ( i m 29). I have a 12 y/o son who loves his longhair too. I wish you guys had e mail addresses...i hate to do this publically. He loves the hair so i do not hassle him, eveen though he gets harrasssed in school. Its now past mid back...blond and very str8. He;s asking me to set it now. Should i help him. I m almost sure hes straight....he plays sports... Also, do your sons spend lots of time washing and combing?
: thanx for the help....
: Kelly
: Dawn,
: : Thank you so much for posting the pics of your boys. You will never know how much it meant to my son. I printed a copy and he has it hanging in his room as a reminder that it's OK for a boy to have long hair. All your son's hair looks wonderful; how old are they? Tracey just turned 11 (if I would have known he would have waist length hair I might have named him something different). I used to trim his ends right before school starts and again on his birthday, but lately he has been objecting so I guess it will get a little longer. He is so used to dealing with the girl comments that it hardly affects him anymore. I do have guilt feelings every now and then. There are some people who think I'm an awful mom. We had a horrible incident at the dentist last month. It was a nasty day, and the walk from the car to the office left Tracey's hair in tangles. We were early so I had him sit in front of me while I brushed out and braided his hair. After Tracey went back to the dentist a lady came over and sat by me and started going on and on about what a pretty daughter I had. When I finally explained that Tracey was a boy, she started in on a religious tirade that made me wait in the car. Oh well, most people are very supportive, it's just every now and then something like that happens. Anyway, thank you again.
: : Tina
Re: Kids hair
Posted by kelly on March 04, 2000 at 11:23:11:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by cjs on March 02, 2000 at 19:08:20:
thanks for replying. I do not think its a matter of crossdressing,
i just think he really enjoys his long hair. I wish he had a friend that had long hair that he could relate friends with.
Do any of your kids have an account on AOL so they could talk..?
: Hi Kelly,
: I don't mean to butt in, however I have 3 sons now 39, 38, 36 the two older ones always wore their hair mid back from about 8 years old until they were in their mid twentys. I curled their hair, they curled their hair their sisters and girl friends curled their hair and they thought of it as fun. My other son wanted nothing to do with it so we had his hair cut short when he was about 7 and he wore it that way until his wife convinced him to grow it long, at age 36 it is about mid shoulder and she sets it for him two or three times a week. Figure that one out. I say if they want to try it let them, if it isn't illeagle or imorle it sure helps to give them a sense of where they want to set their boundries. We always taught our children (all six) to be who they wanted to be and not let someone else put them down, it helped that they all stuck together and stood up for each other.
: Good Luck - cjs
: : Hey...Dawn and Tina.....:
: : My name is Kelly ( i m 29). I have a 12 y/o son who loves his longhair too. I wish you guys had e mail addresses...i hate to do this publically. He loves the hair so i do not hassle him, eveen though he gets harrasssed in school. Its now past mid back...blond and very str8. He;s asking me to set it now. Should i help him. I m almost sure hes straight....he plays sports... Also, do your sons spend lots of time washing and combing?
: : thanx for the help....
: : Kelly
: :
: : Dawn,
: : : Thank you so much for posting the pics of your boys. You will never know how much it meant to my son. I printed a copy and he has it hanging in his room as a reminder that it's OK for a boy to have long hair. All your son's hair looks wonderful; how old are they? Tracey just turned 11 (if I would have known he would have waist length hair I might have named him something different). I used to trim his ends right before school starts and again on his birthday, but lately he has been objecting so I guess it will get a little longer. He is so used to dealing with the girl comments that it hardly affects him anymore. I do have guilt feelings every now and then. There are some people who think I'm an awful mom. We had a horrible incident at the dentist last month. It was a nasty day, and the walk from the car to the office left Tracey's hair in tangles. We were early so I had him sit in front of me while I brushed out and braided his hair. After Tracey went back to the dentist a lady came over and sat by me and started going on and on about what a pretty daughter I had. When I finally explained that Tracey was a boy, she started in on a religious tirade that made me wait in the car. Oh well, most people are very supportive, it's just every now and then something like that happens. Anyway, thank you again.
: : : Tina
Re: Kids hair
Posted by BRGallagher on March 13, 2000 at 07:10:37:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Kelly on February 27, 2000 at 14:29:22:
Kelly, please refer to the followup I posted to Dawn. Thanks. BRGallagher
Re: Kids hair
Posted by BRGallagher on March 13, 2000 at 07:07:40:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Tina on February 23, 2000 at 13:30:58:
Tina, please take a look at my followup posted to Dawn. Thanks. BRGallagher
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dan on March 30, 2000 at 23:15:44:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Webmaster on February 21, 2000 at 01:13:46:
: The problem is that you put the URL in the Optional Image URL field, when in actuality it is a web page and not a picture. For web pages, use the Optional Link URL. This will now work, however, unless you also enter a Link Title
When I click on the link I am getting a 404 not found...Any explanation???
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dr. Joe on February 21, 2000 at 10:31:42:
In Reply to: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 20, 2000 at 22:31:17:
: This is a little visual treat for all you guys who've wondered what it might have been like to enjoy a shred of self determination during your childhood, and also for all the folks who don't seem to believe that kids like this exist.
: Yes, not a day goes by that someone doesn't refer to these guys as girls, but they care not a whit, take it all in stride and are some of the coolest, kindest kids you'd ever want to meet. I'm proud to be their mom.
: Best wishes to all you longhairs. Keep the faith.
: Dawn
I have enjoyed the pics of your amazing hair in long hair sites and now I have seen the pics of your kids.
When I was a kid I dreamed to wear long hair like your kids, but my parents sent me to the barber's.
Now I'm 39, I work in a Hospital as Medical Doctor and I'm wearing medium lenght hair.
Last year I cut a little because I was afraid of my boss'comments.
Now I have decided to let my hair grow because my feeling for long hair is more than the fear of my bosses.
My son is 6 and chooses short hair, but he knows that I will not have problems if he wants to grow.
A curiousity question. How is your husband's hair?
My wife has waist-lenght hair.
Ciao from Italy
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 22, 2000 at 00:32:34:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Dr. Joe on February 21, 2000 at 10:31:42:
Hi there Dr. Joe,
Thanks for your kind words! Yes, it is a lifelong struggle to preserve ones personal preferences and integrity in the face of the kinds of pressure of which you speak, economic pressures being the worst of them since long hair can definately put you at a disadvantage for certain career choices. To answer your question though, my husband has long hair as well, about to the middle of his back though it is so extremely curly that it looks about lower shoulder blade length. He also wears a full beard and this look does indeed lead to a bit of prejudging from most people, but we find that, as with our boys, how people respond to us often says a good deal more about them than it does about us. Its always rewarding to see someone shake loose their preconceived notions as they get to know us and by the same token often disheartening when people can't seem to do that. Its funny that adults often depict my husband as quite fearsome and potentially dangerous, while young children without exception adore him (the older they get, the less this is true!). Further proof that there is nothing inherently bad about hair, just the way people are taught to respond to it.
Good luck with your own hair journey!
Ciao from America!
: Hi,Dawn
: I have enjoyed the pics of your amazing hair in long hair sites and now I have seen the pics of your kids.
: When I was a kid I dreamed to wear long hair like your kids, but my parents sent me to the barber's.
: Now I'm 39, I work in a Hospital as Medical Doctor and I'm wearing medium lenght hair.
: Last year I cut a little because I was afraid of my boss'comments.
: Now I have decided to let my hair grow because my feeling for long hair is more than the fear of my bosses.
: My son is 6 and chooses short hair, but he knows that I will not have problems if he wants to grow.
: A curiousity question. How is your husband's hair?
: My wife has waist-lenght hair.
: Ciao from Italy
Fearsome Longhairs?
Posted by zorba on February 22, 2000 at 10:40:28:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 22, 2000 at 00:32:34:
:Its always rewarding to see someone shake loose their preconceived notions as they get to know us and by the same token often disheartening when people can't seem to do that. Its funny that adults often depict my husband as quite fearsome and potentially dangerous...
I too have encountered this upon numerous occasions - where does this
nonsense come from? To me, long hair denotes friendlyness, something
hair from the current 'Wermacht school of barbering' certaintly
does not! Generally, the older a person is, the more likely they
are to think this way, although I've seen it in people my age (39)
and younger from time-to-time as well. A smile helps dispell "it"
(I agree that it's nice to see people lose their pre-conceptions!)
Re: Fearsome Longhairs?
Posted by Dawn on February 23, 2000 at 06:39:06:
In Reply to: Fearsome Longhairs? posted by zorba on February 22, 2000 at 10:40:28:
I find the dangerous longhaired bearded man misconception amusing most of the time since at least in my experience it couldn't be farther from the truth. Sometimes its helpful and/or entertaining though to be with someone others find intimidating by their mere presence. Someone said it really well in another thread, something about longhair and/or beards being great filters for weeding out the intolerant. What a clever visual from that thought!
: I too have encountered this upon numerous occasions - where does this
: nonsense come from? To me, long hair denotes friendlyness, something
: hair from the current 'Wermacht school of barbering' certaintly
: does not! Generally, the older a person is, the more likely they
: are to think this way, although I've seen it in people my age (39)
: and younger from time-to-time as well. A smile helps dispell "it"
: sometimes...
: (I agree that it's nice to see people lose their pre-conceptions!)
: Comments?
: -Zorba
Re: Boys' l-o-o-ng hair
Posted by Ottawa Male on February 22, 2000 at 22:29:37:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 22, 2000 at 00:32:34:
Hi, again, Dawn,
Your husband's a real Santy Claus, and I mean that in the most
complimentary way! Long hair, curly, A-A-A-ND a full beard? That's
Santy Claus, alright, every kid-at-heart's dream hero (except for
the Lord God Himself!)!! He just hasn't reached the *white* stage
yet, when he'll r-e-e-eally get his stature! I think I can speak
for most on this board when I say that your husband is *f-a-a-r*
from "fearsome and potentially dangerous". He's my man!!
One *l-ea-ea-ea-rns* to regard long hair on males as threatening, and
therefore, "bad", just as you implied with he word, "taught".
As for me, I'm semi-retired at 57 (soon to be 58), and will probably
be enjoying life to its fullest for the first time in my life,
complete with growing out my hair with*out* a cut (except for those
blessed split-end trims).
Bless you, Dawn, and all your family!
: Hi there Dr. Joe,
my husband has long hair as well, about to the middle of his back though it is so extremely curly that it looks about lower shoulder blade length. He also wears a full beard and this look does indeed lead to a bit of prejudging from most people,... Its funny that adults often depict my husband as quite fearsome and potentially dangerous, while young children without exception adore him (the older they get, the less this is true!). Further proof that there is nothing inherently bad about hair, just the way people are taught to respond to it.
: Good luck with your own hair journey!
: Ciao from America!
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Ottawa MAle on February 21, 2000 at 13:27:48:
In Reply to: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 20, 2000 at 22:31:17:
Oh, Dawn!! Those images of your sons' hair are great! Utterly
*FAN - TAS - TIC*! It's hair from heaven. Keep on growin' it,
to the ground, if possible. Lots of styles available for extra-long
hair. You and your boys are expressing the ultimate freedom at
a time when "authorities" are trying to take freedom from us in
the name of "security". As you said, "Keep the faith!". Y-e-eah!
: This is a little visual treat for all you guys who've wondered what it might have been like to enjoy a shred of self determination during your childhood, and also for all the folks who don't seem to believe that kids like this exist.
: Best wishes to all you longhairs. Keep the faith.
: Dawn
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 22, 2000 at 00:40:32:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Ottawa MAle on February 21, 2000 at 13:27:48:
Thanks for your enthusiasm OM, it was fun to share and I'm glad it was appreciated. To the ground, well, I don't know but my oldest says he just might do that while the younger ones haven't decided yet. I do have lots of ways for them to tie it up though so that most folks would never even know it was that long. I have to admit that I wouldn't discourage them! One of my greatest joys in life is allowing them the freedom and sense of self you mention, something neither my husband or I ever had as a child. It can be very healing.
Stay warm up there in lovely Ottawa!
Best wishes,
: Oh, Dawn!! Those images of your sons' hair are great! Utterly
: *FAN - TAS - TIC*! It's hair from heaven. Keep on growin' it,
: to the ground, if possible. Lots of styles available for extra-long
: hair. You and your boys are expressing the ultimate freedom at
: a time when "authorities" are trying to take freedom from us in
: the name of "security". As you said, "Keep the faith!". Y-e-eah!
: OM
Re: Kids hair
Posted by jack on March 10, 2000 at 00:22:43:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Ottawa MAle on February 21, 2000 at 13:27:48:
: Oh, Dawn!! Those images of your sons' hair are great! Utterly
: *FAN - TAS - TIC*! It's hair from heaven. Keep on growin' it,
: to the ground, if possible. Lots of styles available for extra-long
: hair. You and your boys are expressing the ultimate freedom at
: a time when "authorities" are trying to take freedom from us in
: the name of "security". As you said, "Keep the faith!". Y-e-eah!
: OM
: *******************************
: : This is a little visual treat for all you guys who've wondered what it might have been like to enjoy a shred of self determination during your childhood, and also for all the folks who don't seem to believe that kids like this exist.
: : Best wishes to all you longhairs. Keep the faith.
: : Dawn
Re: Kids' extra-long hair styles
Posted by jack on March 11, 2000 at 16:52:16:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Ottawa MAle on February 21, 2000 at 13:27:48:
: Oh, Dawn!! Those images of your sons' hair are great! Utterly
: *FAN - TAS - TIC*! It's hair from heaven. Keep on growin' it,
: to the ground, if possible. Lots of styles available for extra-long
: hair. You and your boys are expressing the ultimate freedom at
: a time when "authorities" are trying to take freedom from us in
: the name of "security". As you said, "Keep the faith!". Y-e-eah!
: OM
Do you have some specific suggestions for styles for extra-long hair?
Up, down, dress or play?
Re: Kids hair
Posted by viking on March 13, 2000 at 12:13:00:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by Ottawa MAle on February 21, 2000 at 13:27:48:
: Oh, Dawn!! Those images of your sons' hair are great! Utterly
: *FAN - TAS - TIC*! It's hair from heaven. Keep on growin' it,
: to the ground, if possible. Lots of styles available for extra-long
: hair. You and your boys are expressing the ultimate freedom at
: a time when "authorities" are trying to take freedom from us in
: the name of "security". As you said, "Keep the faith!". Y-e-eah!
: OM
: *******************************
: : This is a little visual treat for all you guys who've wondered what it might have been like to enjoy a shred of self determination during your childhood, and also for all the folks who don't seem to believe that kids like this exist.
: : Best wishes to all you longhairs. Keep the faith.
:Dawn, What a site for sore eyes!!!!! I wish I could have had a my hair at that length as a boy. Keep it growing and keep it flowing!!!!!! I'm jealous.
: : Dawn
Re: Kids hair
Posted by DawnAB on February 22, 2000 at 22:23:55:
In Reply to: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 20, 2000 at 22:31:17:
: This is a little visual treat for all you guys who've wondered what it might have been like to enjoy a shred of self determination during your childhood, and also for all the folks who don't seem to believe that kids like this exist.
: Yes, not a day goes by that someone doesn't refer to these guys as girls, but they care not a whit, take it all in stride and are some of the coolest, kindest kids you'd ever want to meet. I'm proud to be their mom.
: Best wishes to all you longhairs. Keep the faith.
: Dawn
hmmmmmm, why is the picture not showing on my pc ??? just a little box with a red x. any help ??
Re: Kids hair
Posted by Dawn on February 23, 2000 at 06:23:03:
In Reply to: Re: Kids hair posted by DawnAB on February 22, 2000 at 22:23:55:
So sorry Dawn, that was my fault, idiot error with the whole picture link thing, anyway just scroll down to where Victor was kind enough to fix it, the webmaster post in this thread.
Best wishes to all,
: hmmmmmm, why is the picture not showing on my pc ??? just a little box with a red x. any help ??
Re: Kids hair, cool moms
Posted by Dick on March 05, 2000 at 15:40:46:
In Reply to: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 20, 2000 at 22:31:17:
You moms are all right.
Re: Kids hair
Posted by BRGallagher on March 13, 2000 at 06:37:23:
In Reply to: Kids hair posted by Dawn on February 20, 2000 at 22:31:17:
Because its local resources had been exhausted, my men's image consulting firm searched the Internet for reasonably photogenic extra-longhaired men to complete the image team representing the firm globally at men's fashion/grooming events throughout 2000. Specifically we are developing a men/teens/boys' clothing line and expanding into the European market. That search established contact with this hyperboard. We have extra-longhaired men and we have kids on our team but not until reading your (and Tina's and Kelly's) chat RE: KIDS HAIR had we even thought of extra-longhaired kids as a viable image for our team. With selection for team membership (based upon image, attitude and enthusiasm) in mind, we would like to hear from parents/guardians of extra-longhaired boys interested in participating in our work after first learning more about us through newspaper articles, reports from the Better Business Bureau, references from parents/guardians of past/present minor-aged team members, etc. Thanks. BRGallagher