Hair in partner's face

Hair in partner's face
Posted by Bill on October 26, 2000 at 10:08:16: Previous Next

I have very fine wavy and curly hair, and at night it inevitably ends up in my partner's face. While asleep he claws at it subconsciously, and due to its fine-ness, he breaks strands from time to time.

We had dismissed this as just an unimportant matter that comes with the territory of sleeping with a longhair, until earlier this week. I awoke to him being in a tearing frenzy, like one would pull weeds from a garden. I could hear hair breaking like crazy. I cried out, this woke him, and of course he stopped. The next morning we discovered half the hair on that side was missing! Needless to say, we were both very shook up over it.

We doubt that much hair all came out that night - this had been going on for years. It just crossed the threshold to where it became noticeable then, and we realized his tearings were adding up to too much damage. It can be seen in old pictures though if one looks for it. Hair does often grow a bit faster on one side than the other, and I had just chalked up the situation to that, until I noticed a significant change overnight, after the incident I just mentioned.

Hey, it will grow back out, we will deal with that. I doubt a lot of people will notice, though of course I will, until it does. :-( The length is not affected much, it's mainly just less bulky on that side. ;-)

Short of our not sharing a bed (not an option) do any of you have solutions for this problem? Is there anything I can wear that would stay on in bed, for example?

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