Thoughts about my long hair

Thoughts about my long hair
Posted by Larry on November 05, 2000 at 10:37:42:

Hi everyone,

It is great to see a board in support of males with long hair. I'm new to the board. I'm a guy in my 20s. All my life, I've followed society's basic rules that men should have short hair (and to a lesser extent shave off their beards and mustaches as well.)

Well, about a year ago, I said forget this and decided to grow my hair longer. Well, now about a year and a third later, I have shoulder length hair, and can put it in a pony tail. It looks *really* long in a ponytail, but looks just moderately long with not in one. It's shoulder length.

I've discovered some interesting things in this experiment with long hair that I'd like to share. As a guy with short hair, I was always told in ever so subtle ways that I'd better mind my "p's" and "q's".
With long hair, I basically have a freedom to act however I want (more so than with short hair). If I'm in a bad mood, I'm not scolded for it, like I was with short hair. It's as if people perceive me a little bit differently, or maybe see a self confidence that wasn't there before. It's all strange.

Also, people I've found are generally nicer to me (not that they weren't nice before, but it's a noticeable change), and I'm looked up to more, I've noticed. Now, I've noticed I've started something. Many friends and family members now want longer hair as well. It's all rather interesting to me that something as simple as a change in physical appearance can do. It pleases me, and sometimes it makes me angry (to be honest) that I have garnered more respect and admiration simply because of longer hair.

But, I must say, I don't regret it, and if you're thinking about growing your hair do it. I fully recommend it. It's our right, guys, whether to have short hair or to enjoy long hair. You only get one life (as far as we know, ;) and it's YOUR hair, so enjoy it. I'm glad this board is here. I know I DON'T regret it. The only thing I regret is not having done it sooner. And, that's what I think people admire and see in me now: that desire and will to be myself instead of following someone's rules against my own thoughts.

Now for some "technical" observations and questions, lol:

- I have wavy and curly hair. When I shampoo it, I've noticed it becomes more wavy and curly. The solution I've found is to use a straightening iron. I use something called Conair Straight Styles. Works wonders. It straightens out the hair. Does anyone know anything else to keep wavy and curly hair managable. It's not really curly, but slightly curly.

- Anyone know of any comfortable hair bands that don't look too feminine. The ones I've seen usually look like a flower or something.

- Does anyone know how to keep from getting hair in eyes and in the mouth? I'm considering getting a sleeping cap, as I don't want to put my hair in a ponytail when I sleep.

Anyway, those are my observations and questions. I've gotten through the bad hair days. FYI, it took me about six months to be able to put my hair in a ponytail, and I found it most convenient to begin growing my hair with it all basically the same length (at least around the ears and back). There definitely was an awkward time, but doing it this way was better in the long run.


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