Federal cases supporing longhaired men

Federal cases supporing longhaired men
Posted by Bill on November 20, 2000 at 00:38:51: Previous Next

In recent years, federal courts have refused to give job discrimination protection to longhairs, saying employers could require men to behave and appear differently than women. Today I ran across a newspaper article by an attorney, linked below, that reports on some cases that indicate a trend in the other direction. Anyone involved in legal wrangling to protect their right to their hair should take note of these cases! (One that involves Price Waterhouse is from the U.S. Supreme Court!)

The article talks of transgenders and gay people, but the thrust of the cases is that employers cannot insist that you look a particular way on the "feminine-to-macho" scale. Though many of us do not see our long hair as a female trait, a lot of employers and court judges have seen it as a societal norm for females, and "men who might want to look a bit more female" are the people these cases are standing up for!

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