How can you tell if........

How can you tell if........
Posted by Chris on March 20, 2001 at 14:31:27: Previous Next

Your hair is thin or thinning?
I got some q's actually some worries.
2 times in the past week Ive gone 2 days wihtout washin my hair then I washed it I usually wash it every other day, well last nite was the 2nd day in a row i didnt wash it and i lost a enormus amount of hair, i know its accumulated from shedding the 2 days i didnt wash it and all that but i just washed it and it usually feels kinda fluffy and full and all that but now it feels so thin...ive been worrrying about hair loss for the past year or 20 and my grandpa my moms dad was bald on top his i have a widows peak hairlibne that goes back really far for a man my age, along with all the hair i lose, it seems i keep losing strands by the minute..but anyways should i be worrying?

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