little late?
Posted by Greg on July 15, 2001 at 00:26:47: Previous Next
At 43, I decided to start growing out most layers of former haircut. Layers now all look very conservative in front, but with hair very curly in back and 2" below the bottom of my dress shirt collars. Much longer than those of my conservative counterparts at work! Unfortunately, I work in a professional position for a very conservative company in the Chicago area. As with many in my ago bracket, thinning is an issue. I really like the extra length and has not been an objection to my wife, but need to know if others have felt this apprehension and how it was handled. Unfortunately, I have presented a very conservative appearance at work, although am much more liberal in my 'off hours' and wear a diamond stud in my left ear. Any suggestions or similiar experiences?
Re: little late?
Posted by Zorba on July 15, 2001 at 09:02:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: little late? posted by Greg on July 15, 2001 at 00:26:47:
: At 43, I decided to start growing out most layers of former haircut. Layers now all look very conservative in front, but with hair very curly in back and 2" below the bottom of my dress shirt collars. Much longer than those of my conservative counterparts at work! Unfortunately, I work in a professional position for a very conservative company in the Chicago area. As with many in my ago bracket, thinning is an issue. I really like the extra length and has not been an objection to my wife, but need to know if others have felt this apprehension and how it was handled. Unfortunately, I have presented a very conservative appearance at work, although am much more liberal in my 'off hours' and wear a diamond stud in my left ear. Any suggestions or similiar experiences?
I was 38 when I first grew my hair, and had both ears pierced when I turned 40 last year. My hair is now mid-back in length, fortunately, thinning isn't a problem.
I am VERY conservative in most things other than appearance (I also wear kilts from time-to-time). Fortunately, I work in a 'liberal' area, so there are no 'rules' against a 'diverse' appearance. However, you can expect comments. So what?
The important thing is to keep your hair clean and neat, and keep your professionalism beyond reproach. And know what your company dress code says on the subject - it would be far better if it said nothing about hair length. It is an unfortunate reality that those in economic control of our lives often get away with arbitrary dictation about our personal lives. He who has the gold makes the rules.
Good luck - keep us posted!
Re: little late?
Posted by Robert on July 15, 2001 at 22:59:24:
In Reply to: little late? posted by Greg on July 15, 2001 at 00:26:47:
I am approaching my 42 birthday and began growing my hair out last October. I can now wear it, with the help of some spray at the edges, in a very neat ponytail. I live in the deep south, and am a school teacher. Education is not the same as the corporate world, but we may be scrutinized by a conservative public more. So far, my school's administration has been silent. School will crank back up in a few weeks, and we will see. My system has no policy on hair, which should be a help. Meanwhile, I will make sure that my appearance is neat and clean, but it always was. My attitude is that my hair is not an issue. My qualifications as a teacher do not include length of hair. I encourage you to proceed. Do your best work. Dress as neatly and conservatively as you always have. The only change will be the creeping length of your hair. If you are confident about it, that will take care of comments. This morning after mass, the priest who had not seen me in a while said in reference to my hair: what's this? I smiled and said: It's what happens when you stop cutting your hair. We then changed the subject and chatted for another 15 minutes. Other people will stare. When I catch them staring, I smile. That cures the staring.
: At 43, I decided to start growing out most layers of former haircut. Layers now all look very conservative in front, but with hair very curly in back and 2" below the bottom of my dress shirt collars. Much longer than those of my conservative counterparts at work! Unfortunately, I work in a professional position for a very conservative company in the Chicago area. As with many in my ago bracket, thinning is an issue. I really like the extra length and has not been an objection to my wife, but need to know if others have felt this apprehension and how it was handled. Unfortunately, I have presented a very conservative appearance at work, although am much more liberal in my 'off hours' and wear a diamond stud in my left ear. Any suggestions or similiar experiences?