teenager wants long hair

teenager wants long hair
Posted by evan on September 10, 2001 at 19:11:48: Previous Next

I'm 17 and have wanted a pony tail for about 2 years. I've gotten my hair to about four or five inches, but both times I cut it off. The first time, it just got too hot for me toplay basketball in. the second time, I let some girls talk me into cutting it. Both times i was really pissed off at myself. I'm ready to try again. I have several questions. First, i know I should just wear my hair the way it makes me happy, but do you find that girls prefer men with long hair or short hair? Secondly, I want to have a nice clean, well groomed ponytail. I want it to look GQ, not like I just let it grow. Is there anything I should do while it is growing to keep my hair from getting damaged? Lastly, when it is too long to look neat, but not long enough to put in a ponytail, can I braid it into cornrows without in getting damaged or kinky?
P.S. my hair is straight and grows forward. Can i train it to go back?

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