Unclogging the drain - cheaply

Unclogging the drain - cheaply
Posted by Medicine Horse on September 17, 2001 at 11:41:56: Previous Next

With the recent posts on normal hair loss, and how loosing long hair makes bigger clumps, thought I'd pass on a tip.

No need to invest big dollars in high priced drain cleaners when your sink or shower drain clog up a bit from your long hair loss. It'll happen no matter how careful you are.

Just pour plain old liquid bleach down the drain and let it sit. The bleach will eat out the hair clog. Buy the cheapest brand on sale and you can get a gallon cheap.

Only caution, be sure to rinse or wipe off the chrome parts of your drain plug or the bleach will turn it black.

Simple, easy to do after a shower, and you can spend the $10 a month you save on fancy drain cleaners on a better quality shampoo.

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