coloring goods/bads/uglies?

coloring goods/bads/uglies?
Posted by Jarujo on November 29, 2001 at 03:28:43: Previous Next

I'm posing this one as an open question. Is it a "bad" thing to color your hair if you want it to grow really long? I had a freak out about six mo's back and went from brown to blond (it was that, or cut it all off) - HATED it - so I dyed it back to brown about two weeks later. I've let it be since then, until tonight, when I redyed with the brown. I'd least for the short hair seems to be in "better" condition than before coloring - not to mention - you get a really nice "sheen". Anyone here with the Mid back or longer length have any issues with coloring? One thing to note...if you have hair past your two bottles...or you run out! (not a cool thing when you are in the process!) Anywho, just let me know what you guys think.

Thanks! I think I'm going to be an addict to this site!

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