butch gay

butch gay
Posted by James on December 07, 2001 at 02:51:40:

 I believe only one other person has described interest similar to mine. I am gay and have a
wonderful partner of 7 years and growing who is looks like a more handsome Kevin Kline with
almost silver greying hair which he wears at about 4 inches because I like it -- he would wear it
shorter -- and he has a delicious moustache. He insists he would like to be feminine, but he would
never make it. Not in the cards, and I am glad. (He was, or they say is, a Marine.)
I think of myself as basically masculine, with zilch interest in cross dressing or being feminine.
However, I have always been envious of women's freedom to "do" their hair, and all my life I
have "done" my hair one way or another. I have had many perms, but they always led to my
cutting my hair shorter than I liked, until I developed the freedom to have the perms set. Then I
could have bigger hair that was not totally out of control.
For a time I let my hair grow and it was well past my shoulders, but the hair at my crown is not
as strong and does not grow as long. My hair is naturally wavy, and pulled back in a pony tail it
looked flat unless it was set, and while I like to have a set in a salon, it was a drag because I had
to do it whether I had time or not. (I have three regular salons which expect to do a set for me.)
Recently, I have evolved into a style which is just right for me and very similar to a picture of
me at age three, except I do not have nor want bangs -- well not exactly.
I part my hair on the left, and it is about 6 inches long. I comb it back and it falls into waves. As
long as I let it dry naturally, it does very well and I do not have to set it except on top where I use
about 8 large medium to roll it away from the part and back over the crown. This creates a lift
away from the part, and it does fall into a curly wave over my forehead.
When I can have it set, and a set will usually last me a maximum of three days, then the waves
fall into place evenly all over and I ask the stylist to use small rollers at the back of my neck so
that the waves break into a sea of curls.
I can set it myself, and it does remarkably well, but I cannot see what I am doing so it is better
with a stylist.
When I was three I was a blond. Now my hair is mousy brown with a very slight grey streak in
On November 2 I asked my stylist to tint my hair gray, but he could not quite believe that I was
serious in my request. He insisted that he knew just what I wanted, and used an ash blond and in
fact it has come out wonderfully. I have gotten only positive responses. He used a foil like
technique, and the streaking is so subtle that if I did not know it was better things through
chemistry I would think it was natural. Five weeks later, and there is no obvious "roots."
I am a professional person and everyone who knows me knows that I "do" my hair. I am also
known as a person of competence with strong opinions, and willing to speak my mind in person
or in op ed pieces in the paper.
I am going to insist at touch up time that we go a little lighter, but with a drabber toner. I want
to go more silver than gold.
My lover does not have any special response to my fun with my hair, other than to affirm that he
wants me to do what makes me happy. He could not care less. He cares about other things. I am
as happy as the three year old in the foto. I do not have a feminine hair style, but I surely have an
assertive masculine one.
I am interested in hearing from other guys who like to do or have their hair styled but who do
not see this as feminine.

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