Use of Hairnets

Use of Hairnets
Posted by Hamish on December 25, 2001 at 19:35:21: Previous Next

Having been a short-back-and-sides man for the past 64 years or so, and having now retired from business, I have been growing my hair out for the past 12 months.

Without exception, my friends and neighbours (I have no family) have nothing but negative comment and remarks to make in connection with this! Since I reckon they see me from angles and viewpoints that I never can, I have now asked my hairdresser to keep my hair to just-over-the-collar length which I personally find attractive, and much easier to manage than when it is longer.

My one big problem is the 'damage' the hair suffers at night. Every morning, I am finding more and more 'broken' hairs where I have been lying on them. It has occurred to me that a hairnet (as worn by my late Grandmother) might help to prevent this 'damage'. Does anyone have any experience of, or even thoughts on, this?

By the way, I am totally bald in front and on top! My silvery hair exists only around the back from sideburn to sideburn! Not that it has anything to do with this subject other than affecting my overall appearance, but I also wear kilts, Utilikilts and men's skirts every day - I have not worn trousers or shorts for just over two and a half years.

Seasonal Greetings,


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