Enduring Akward Stage

Enduring Akward Stage
Posted by M. on December 29, 2001 at 17:14:04: Previous Next

I just want to share something with you. My hair is currently under the (very) awkward stage and there are days when my hair looks good and there are days (most of them) when my hair is somewhere between ridiculous and terribly ugly. Anyway, i just cameback from visiting some family of mine, whom i hadn't seen for some years. Of course i wanted to look good, after all this would be the first time in years that i would see that part of my family again, so what to do? Endure the awkward stage and not cut my hair? Of course, that goes without saying. So there i was, in Miami, one of the most shallow and superficial cities in the world, and for some reason, maybe the gods testing me, when i got there my hair looked so so SO bad. It was drier and wavier than ever and it looked like every hair i have was sticking out in all directions. I don't remember my hair ever looking that bad. It really looked BAD. And of course, everyone kept telling me to cut my hair, you look bad, only girls have long hair, you would look much better with short hair, no one here has long hair, etc. etc., you know what i mean. And to be honest i felt very very tempted to cut my hair because i really looked bad and i almost did it. But to make a long story short, i thought it over and ended up not cutting my hair, everyone accepted that i wasn't going to cut it, as much as they wanted me to and guess what, during the last days i was there and specially now that i am back home, my hair never looked so good and pretty and manageable. For the first time i can actually say that i have pretty hair and am very pleased with it. I am very very happy that i didn't cut it. So for all of you out there that are thinking about cutting your hair, take a few time to think it over, wait and only do it if you really feel that it is the best thing for you. I know i would be feeling terrible and devastated if i had cut my hair during those moments of weekness. I am very happy with myself and can't wait to have long hair.
By the way, one of the things that i did and i think helped me a lot was stop using shampoo, like some of you in this board. For the past two weeks i used only conditioner in the shower and leave in conditioner. No shampoo at all, and so far i don't need it and i'm thinking about using it again (unless something yucky falls on my hair of course). If you have dry hair like me don't be afraid to stop using shampoo, your hair won't smell bad. The conditioner is more than enough to make your hair smell good and my hair never looked healthier before, so give it a try. I still have a long way to go and i am still enduring the very painful awkward stage but for now i am feeling very happy with the results.

Good luck

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