hair extension damage hair ?
Posted by davis on January 01, 2002 at 03:11:47: Previous Next
I'm a french man, and want to grow my hair from two years. I have now at shoulders, and want to have long more quick, and most on the side to have like a long bowl cut.
I want to put hair extension, but somebody say they make damage at the hair when we take of.
Is there anybody give me his experience of this ?
Re: hair extension damage hair ?
Posted by Clovis on January 01, 2002 at 14:02:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: hair extension damage hair ? posted by davis on January 01, 2002 at 03:11:47:
salut davis, l'extension des cheveux est une procedure assez couteuse, et faus pas oublier que ce n'est seulement qu'une solution provisoire. C'est vrai que cela endommage tes cheveux mais seulement la ou ils appliquent la colle, c'est t'a dire a la pointe.
bonne chance vieux...