Need Advice for Fledgling Site

Need Advice for Fledgling Site
Posted by Bill S on January 06, 2002 at 13:23:08: Previous Next

Hi -

I have been lurking and posting here for a while - an "old fa**" growing out for the first time in 50+ years. Photo below under "..Grey.."

I decided to start a new (yet another) "hair site" and would like some help/advice. Got the design together and some content but would really appreciate some input for adding content and categories. Of course we will have features for Men's Long Hair, but would like to make this a "clearing house" kind of resource for links to information about all kinds of hair.

If you have the time and would like to help, please surf on over to - browse around and leave me some feedback on the contact or the guestbook/forum page - add some links on the add a link page - upload some photos on the upload page - fill out the survey - take the poll - etc. Whatever you have time for will be apprecated - we need some good constuctive criticism. If you have a personal site (or a favorite site), I would be glad to add your link or your recommendations.

I would like to make this site as "interactive" as possible. Thanks - & Keep on Growin'...


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