"Naturally Hopeless Hair"

"Naturally Hopeless Hair"
Posted by gummyroach on January 11, 2002 at 21:18:55: Previous Next

Hi All!
Finally there's a place where men can discuss their hairstyles freely without feeling ashamed or embarrassed.
I envy anyone who has a full head of straight, healthy hair, no matter what the length. Sometimes I'd like so badly to just go up to that person and say, "Dude, you have the most awesome hair, who's your hairstylist?" I cringe when I see people with what I consider to be a nice head of hair, who go out and totally destroy it! In the 70's, I had friends with the coolest, long, straight hair. Then they decided to get perms and come to school with an afro! I wanted to puke! It was like, "Dude, if you didn't like that gorgeous, straight hair, I would have gladly traded yours for mine!" I think in today's society, if I saw a guy with gorgeous hair and paid him a compliment or asked who his hairstylist was, I'd probably get shot! Guys just don't talk openly about their hair. I'm glad I found this post!
All through elementary and Jr. High School, my parents didn't give much thought to how my, looking like the poster child for the local Thrift Store, was affecting my self-esteem. I was the only kid who could comb his hair with a washrag! I'm not kidding! I went to school in the '70's, and long hair for guys was the "In" thing. I wanted to fit in. (I'll try to get some pictures later, but a good description of my early childhood photos is a crewcut hairdo, thick, horn-rimmed glasses, buck teeth, braces, button-down shirts that were buttoned clear up to the collar.) Let's face it, I was pathetic! I was called just about every name there is, and for years, I actually believed I really WAS some of those names I was called. It's horrible to be so "not with the times" because your parents are so anal-retentive, that you stand out like a sore thumb. It really DOES matter, to some degree, that you try to make yourself blend in with the crowd, or more importantly, that you look in the mirror and are happy with what you see. For years, I hated what I saw in the mirror.
I was blessed with Naturally Curly Hair. I've always hated it. I jokingly call it "born with a built-in tumbleweed" or "I have naturally HOPELESS hair". Through gradeschool, you'd never know I had curly hair because it was so short. In high school I finally got my parents to consent to letting me grow it out. I didn't know til I read some of these postings that there really is an "awkward" stage. I thought this was just a mental state of being. I sure FELT awkward anyway!
While my hair is now close to shoulder length, I have yet to find the perfect hairstyle. I'm happier with it long than short. (but this could also be because during my earlier years, I was never allowed to have it longer than 2 centimeters or so it seemed.) Most hair stylists I've been to don't give a crap about what I want, they just cut it the way THEY think would look good, or they tell me, "you're out of luck. You don't have the right kind of hair to look like so and so...." When they're finished and ask the typical question, "well, what do you think?" I'm too embarrassed to speak the truth and say, "I look like a complete doofus! Looks like I got into a fight with a weed-whacker and lost!" I usually say, "Looks great!" then walk out of there and look for a paper bag I can wear over my head until it grows out again!
Most hairstylists (at the malls anyway) specialize in CUTTING hair, NOT making your existing length look good. Sure, the makeover going from long, unkept hair to short, squeaky clean is gonna turn some heads. They capitalize on this "WOW! Why did you chop all your hair off, you look so different!" approach. They are afraid of long hair, or can't accept the fact that long hair can look absolutely fantastic on a guy if it's done right and maintained properly. They seem to have this mentality that they simply must whack it all off!
I finally found a hairstylist who is not afraid of long hair. These people are not exactly easy to find. It's nice to actually have a stylist who compliments me on long hair. Most of them take one look and say, "Yep, you DEFINATELY need a haircut..." and I come out of there looking like Baby Huey. I sometimes still have a problem accepting such compliments and brush them aside as, "he's just saying this to be nice....."
While my current stylist doesn't butcher me like most other stylists, I still have yet to really come up with the best style. While I like long, straight hair, I don't necessarily want mine in a pony tail. Some guys look great in a pony tail, but they're usually in better shape than I am.
My problem is this: I'm a little on the chunky side. I didn't notice how obvious this was until I saw myself on video tape! I wanted to puke! My hair is receding a bit and so my cheeks and forehead are starting to emphasise that I'm a bit chunky. Trust me on this, guys, TV cameras don't lie! If you really want to see how others see you, just watch a playback of a closeup video of yourself. (But don't do this right after you've eaten!) Television cameras don't miss a thing! (sniff) (whimper). No wonder actors/actresses put their makeup on with paint rollers!
Are there stores where a loser such as I can walk in and just say "HELP! My hair's a mess, I have no clue what clothes look good on me, my wardrobe is pathetic..." or is this sort of thing taboo for guys unless they're gay?
I have curly hair, it is straighter when it's long, but still hard to manage. I don't really know how to take care of it, or what to do with it. I've always wanted to go with a medium to shoulder-length, straight look. I've had it professionally straighted several times while I was younger. It's a bit expensive and only temporary. But I've heard that perming your hair can actually dammage it. I'd like to hang onto the hair I have, and am wondering if anyone else out there with wavy/curly hair by birth is willing to share their secret as to how they manage to make it look smooth and straight with little fuss. Is there a daily or weekly product that I can just comb thru, wash out, without having to go through all the fuss of harsh chemicals or blow-drying it straight? (Isn't blowdrying the LAST thing you'd want to do with curly/frizzy hair anyway, or is this just a myth?)
Typically for me, when I shampoo my hair and it dries, I end up looking like a tumbleweed! Shampoos are notorious for giving your hair that fuller look. But what about us guys with dreaded tumbleweeds, who are trying to go for the exact opposite? I don't need my hair to look any curlier or frizzier than it is! Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Worst hairdos in my opinion:

1) Shaved head with goatee. (Or goatee of any sort for that matter. What's with this look? Hang onto your hair on your head while you can still grow it!!!! If you're bald, I can understand shaving it off, but people with healthy hair are shaving themselves bald. WHY??!!?? Wasn't it proven in some studies somewhere that men with beards/facial hair were perceived by others as more reserved, conceited, less friendly than those without facial hair? I'm trying to remember who actually conducted this study.

2) Pudding bowl or "shave the sides bald, so it looks like the barber forgot to finish the job and just put a bowl on your head and shaved around it" look. This looks ok on a 4-year-old, but looks really dumb on teens and adults, yet it's the craze, or at least it was anyway, before the shaved head and goatee fad took over.

3) afro

NICE Hair (in my opinion)
Scott Stapp
Brad Renfro
Devon Sawa (before he chopped it off for "Final Destination"
Nick Carter (bsb sucks, but he had nice hair till he chopped it off)

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