Balding?? fighting the inevitable

Balding?? fighting the inevitable
Posted by jp on January 20, 2002 at 15:25:33: Previous Next

Hey everyone. I've been noticing some pretty decent receding around my temples within the last year or so. This sucks! The hair on each temple is probably at least 1 inch behind where it would be if the hairline were straight. It's not a particularly wide area yet, about 2 finger-widths across, and the rest of my hair still covers it up for the most part when I part it in the middle. The rest of my head still looks fine.

But anyway, here's the question. Does anyone here use (or tried?) any of the medications or solutions that are out on the market? I don't need to grow anything back, but I definitely want to keep whatever I still have. I know I have the genetics for balding... my mom's brother was probably half bald by the time he was 25, and I definitely inhereted my hair from that side of the family. Even my mom has hair thinning problems. I'm only 21 now, so I'm hesitent about taking any medications like Propecia that I heard can have some crappy side effects, and smearing on stuff like rogaine twice a day seems like a real pain in the ass. If anyone has tried any of these things, or know someone who did, please let me know how it worked (or didn't) and what benefits the stuff might have in reality, not just based on their comercials. Thanks a lot.

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