a ? about pony tails

a ? about pony tails
Posted by Jimmy Page on May 29, 2002 at 21:48:37: Previous Next

hey whenever i see longhaired guys i hardly ever see them with there hair hanging loose, its always in a pony tail, i have never personally seen a longhaired guy with his hair not in a pony tail. Why do all the ones i see have there hair like this, i like only put mine in a pony tail when my hair just doesent like me every once in awhile. and the place i see most longhaired guys is wal-mart and carnivals, i also see way to many mullets at carnivals, last time me and a friend counted all of them, there was 14 of them and we dont know what you call it when you got long hair but your bald on-top but there was to man to keep count of on those, i guess they were all once longhaired guys that couldent except that they where bald and the long hair was saying goodbuy.

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