Annoying Tufts

Annoying Tufts
Posted by Ambrose on June 03, 2002 at 10:48:23: Previous Next

Hey all!

Been a while since I visited. My hair's almost to the point where I can pull it all back in a ponytail! I'm still having to use a sticky substance (read hairspray, *ack*) to get it all to stay pulled back..

Anyway, I've got these annoying little tufts at the base of my hair in back (on my neck). The type of hair on this is finer and crazier (my hair's really straight) than the rest of my hair, and when I pull my hair into a ponytail, they kinda stick out, looking puffy. I think it will eventually grow long enough to get most of it in w/ the ponytail, but it's at a bad stage now where it (the right side especially) sticks out, while the rest of my hair is neatly pulled into the tail. I can't even get hairspray to hold this stuff.

Does anyone else have this difficulty? Are there any recommendations on how to deal with it? Should I shave that part?



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