Is this normal?

Is this normal?
Posted by Mantraschism on June 10, 2002 at 17:47:49: Previous Next

My hair used to get really bad if I went for even a day without washing it. It would get nappy and all, and it was just bad. Since I've decided to grow it long, I've been much more conscious of it, so I'm taking better care of it. Since then, it seems that I can go for even a weekend (like I just did) without washing it, and it doesn't feel bad or dirty or anything. Of course, it probably is, but it doesn't feel like it. It doesn't look bad, either. I've gotten no smell from the oils or anything, and they seemed to help keep the bangs from flaring out. =\ Has anyone had anything similar happen, where it was oily, but not bad feeling? My head didn't even itch, which is strange. Hmm...

Just wondering: is that normal?

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