Posted by Clay Lundberg on June 17, 2002 at 20:57:08: Previous Next
I'm just starting to grow my hair out, and I'm a little nervous about it, cuz I don't know what friends/hairdressing family members are going to think...I'm the small town american guy that will get the discrimination, and I'm not very small, or muscular, and my pectorals look more like boobs, so I just don't know what other people will think....could I get a little reassureance from anyone???
Re: Thinkin
Posted by Reflective on June 17, 2002 at 21:35:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thinkin posted by Clay Lundberg on June 17, 2002 at 20:57:08:
It basically comes down to this set of questions. Will you live your life doing what others want you to do? Or will you live your life doing what you want to do? Your hair, your choice.
Re: Thinkin
Posted by Remi on June 18, 2002 at 01:59:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thinkin posted by Clay Lundberg on June 17, 2002 at 20:57:08:
Let it grow!
Re: Thinkin
Posted by paddy on June 19, 2002 at 20:06:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Thinkin posted by Remi on June 18, 2002 at 01:59:39:
yes. grow it. i am looking forward (way forward) to your "six years without a cut" pictures. i know they'll rock! :)
(not to make you impatient, just enjoy every stage for its own benefits, and you will not be impatient.)
Re: Thinkin
Posted by Hair Religion on June 18, 2002 at 02:20:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thinkin posted by Clay Lundberg on June 17, 2002 at 20:57:08:
You won't really have any problems worth mentioning if you grow it. Just enjoy it and remember that it is worth any problems it may cause.
Re: Thinkin
Posted by Treyn on June 18, 2002 at 17:51:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thinkin posted by Clay Lundberg on June 17, 2002 at 20:57:08:
Try asking yourself these two questions. Do I have strings attached to me, Mr. Gepeto, or am a free stringless being!
Guys at my work, God love 'em, are traditionalist from way back and scared to death of anything beyond their own traditional upbringing. So, all I do when they snicker and laugh and poke and joke about my hair is to laugh right along with them. My favorite question that they ask all the time is "When are you going to get a hair cut?" My answer in the form of a question is always "Which one? HA!HA!" There is only one man in that whole business that I am remotely worried about as far as his opinion and that is the owner, and he is an awesome man to work for cause he lets me be myself (plus working for him for the last nearly 12 years helps a lot also). Grow that stuff, dude!!
Re: Thinkin
Posted by RedRocker on June 19, 2002 at 23:12:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thinkin posted by Clay Lundberg on June 17, 2002 at 20:57:08:
Don't sweat it, dude. If you respect yourself and show your confidence; 99% of people won't care either way. People don't define you -- only YOU can do that. I grew my hair because it feels natural and right for me. When I do get the (rare) comment, I'm usually laughing inside at the person's exhibition of their own ignorance (and prejudice). Even my family members respect the fact that I'm different and have a mind of my own (it took a little while for them to come around). Course, I'm the only guy with long hair in my family. Once everyone gets used to seeing you with long hair, it won't be a big deal at all. I love walking into businesses (stores, etc.) with hair halfway down my back.
I too, live in a small town. I enjoy being noticed for being different. Besides, a lot of women like (or prefer) long hair on guys. This is especially true if most every guy around has short hair.
One important point: If you're large, small, out of shape (etc.); women like a man with confidence, a mind of his own, and (of course) a good sense of humor. Keep that in mind.
My advice is : Grow it. Grow it LONG. The longer the better!