Just started. I need basic info

Just started. I need basic info
Posted by Dustin on June 23, 2002 at 14:37:17: Previous Next

Welp I have had my head shaved on and off since i was around 16 and I am now 23. I just decided one day to go long because it is obviously the hair style of people with class, pride, honor, and most of all good taste :) my questions are what should I do to help it along? I read one guy saying I don't shampoo it that much. are we not suppose to? I have been using pantene pro V sleek and smooth 2 in 1 shampoo conditioner every day thinking i needed to keep it healthy. Does it grow better with less soap? maybe only every few days or what? also what about pills on the market like to make hair and nails grow faster and healthier? Thanx in advance for any tips guys and gals.

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