how to treat long hair after showering

how to treat long hair after showering
Posted by enrique on June 25, 2002 at 07:05:18: Previous Next

I have my hair approximately down to my shoulders now. it's very straight and thick. anyways, I wonder what the best thing to do after showering is. naturally it takes forever for long, thick hair to dry so the first question: what is the best way to dry it? I use a towel and try to dry it, pretty carefully 'cause I don't want to damage it. but this does not dry it very effectively, the towel gets as wet as the hair after a while... ;)

also, after showering my hair gets very messy, it takes a lot of time and work to try to comb through it without ripping it all off. are there any tricks or something I should know off?

basically, I just wanna know what I should do after showering, to get my hair as dry and ordered as possible, in the least time possible.

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