Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question
Posted by Tim W. on June 26, 2002 at 19:12:07: Previous Next
Now, I don't like to use caps lock, but this is so outrageous, I can't resist:
Sometimes short-haired people really bug me. They really, really bug me. My friend asked me, "Are you proud of your mullet?" I said, "A mullet is VERY SHORT on the top and VERY LONG at the back!" Then I drew a picture of a man with a mullet and showed him.
This gets so old.
Re: Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question
Posted by Oyo on June 26, 2002 at 22:12:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question posted by Tim W. on June 26, 2002 at 19:12:07:
One of my friends, who called me a goth for wearing a black shirt, called me a stoner for smoking, decided that I had a mullet, I clearly showed him how my bangs were long, and said "See, it's not a mullet, the hair in the front is actually longer than in the back, a mullet would be short in front and long in the back." He replied, "Ok mr. mullet"
I am no longer friends with him (Not because of this thing, he was just an obnoxious person who I had little in common with), or with any of the people I used to hang out with. If this friend is just a friend that you would rather not talk to, don't hang out with him anymore.
Re: Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question
Posted by Nick on June 27, 2002 at 00:52:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question posted by Tim W. on June 26, 2002 at 19:12:07:
I hear you man! I have grown to hate short haired people (Some of them are ok but most just have their stupid discriminating comments to us) I too have had 'mullet' yelled out from vehicles or even in person when in reality it is SO obvious that it is NOT a mullet. Some people can be so ignorant. But the classic 'get a haircut you hippie' comments arent any better.
Re: Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question
Posted by The Rev on June 27, 2002 at 09:52:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question posted by Tim W. on June 26, 2002 at 19:12:07:
When I tried growing my hair out in the 9th grade (many years ago), what I always heard was criticism of my "dreadlocks." Being white, and having only slightly wavy hair which I combed several times daily, you can see my perturbation. At the end of the day, though, people are just stupid and that's how it is. It's a fact of life which makes little islands of common sense like this board so absolutely necessary.
The Rev
Re: Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question
Posted by gilee on June 27, 2002 at 12:50:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Short-haired Comment = I Have a Question posted by Tim W. on June 26, 2002 at 19:12:07:
I've done grown used to the mullet jokes by now and don't let them bother me. My bangs come all the way down past my chin now but because I usually keep them tucked behind my ears I hear all kinds of mullet comments. I don't anybody knows what a mullet is. I was watching pop-up video the other day and during one of the creed videos a pop-up bubble said 100% mullet pointing at their lead singer. Dee Snider is the definition of a mullet. I woulden't be surprised if even when my hair is mid-back length I still hear mullet comments. I think short-haired people think and guy with long hair has a mullet.
: Sometimes short-haired people really bug me. They really, really bug me. My friend asked me, "Are you proud of your mullet?" I said, "A mullet is VERY SHORT on the top and VERY LONG at the back!" Then I drew a picture of a man with a mullet and showed him.