Leave in Conditioners? Good?

Leave in Conditioners? Good?
Posted by Dustin on July 01, 2002 at 17:51:25: Previous Next

Hey all as I have said before I am just like 3 months or so in from a totaly skin shave so my hair is like 2 inches now. anyway My step mom is a hair dresser/stylist and she has all kinds of nifty expensive salon styling stuff around the house. I am looking particulalry at her leave in conditioner that claim to moisten strgthen and prevent split ends and make hair grow more healthy. Are these total lies or what? Sinse they are just sitting there to use for free I might try em if you all think they are good. They are the kinds u put in your hair and then brush through and just leave it in all day until you wash your hair next. lately I have just been puttign a little olive oil through my hair every few days to help keep it moist. your advice is appriciated. thanx in advance everyone!

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