Trouble with hair breakage
Posted by Carlos on July 03, 2002 at 10:18:08: Previous Next
Hey Guys:
It's been awhile since my last post but I still follow the board religiously:) For the past month I've been having trouble with hair breakage. When I brush my hair I can hear it snapping, and see the hair on my sink broken off in various lengths. Also, when I finger detangle the same thing happens. Same thing goes for a shower...tangles, knots, mass amounts of hair breaking off. The scary thing happened when I went to my hairdresser. She said one side off my hair is completely broken off. This is getting scary, could anyone please recommend what I should do now? Any hair care tips would be appreciated because if my hair keeps breaking I might have to cut it all off and I really don't want to go that route.
Re: Trouble with hair breakage
Posted by Tekmatai on July 03, 2002 at 11:15:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Trouble with hair breakage posted by Carlos on July 03, 2002 at 10:18:08:
Best things to try would be to use conditioner every other time that you wash your hair. I recommend pantene, its really good at fixing very dry hair. Leave it on a while when you do use it, at least one minute but not more than five. Only condition the ends or your roots get greasy quick.
Also, when you comb it, never comb wet. Run your fingers through it when wet to get out the tangles and brush it gently after finger combing and patting dry with a towel.
I think this is fairly standard advice, but it fixed my problem with excessively tangly hair, when i had damaged it with dying. Give it a month and you'll be ok.
Re: Trouble with hair breakage
Posted by Hair Religion on July 03, 2002 at 12:34:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Trouble with hair breakage posted by Carlos on July 03, 2002 at 10:18:08:
You must be doing something to get it to that point. Do you ride a motorcycle with no helmet? A powerboat or convertible car? Sit in the sun all day with no hat or swim everyday in a chlorinated pool? Use bad shampoo or harsh chemicals (bleaching of hair)?
Re: Trouble with hair breakage
Posted by Dustin on July 03, 2002 at 12:52:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Trouble with hair breakage posted by Carlos on July 03, 2002 at 10:18:08:
Try this home remedy. Take a small bowl and in it put the yoke of 2 eggs (try to get out the white but it isnt a big deal) Then put in a few table spoons of real mayonaise. (not imitations) Then if you have vitamine E capsuls to take like vitamins break one or two open and squeeze the vitamien e gel into the bowl. Now put in just like one tea spoon of olive oil for good measure and consistency. Now whipe it all together for a minute or so until it is as well mixed as possible. now apply it to your hair from scalp to ends all the way. try to distribute it eavenly. now let it sit on your hair for at least 30 min 45 min is recamended. then simply get in shower and rinse it all out then shampoo once or twice to get it all out. hair should be very well conditioned moist and smooth and soft. also i heard that some people put a towel in hot hot then wring it out and put it around their hair while they let the solution soak in for 45 min. half way through they take it off and re soak it with hot water . or they keep a hot blow dryer on it to keep it hot. this is suppose to increas the absorbtion of the stuff. but i do not use a towel or heat. I just toss it in hair and wait 45 min then rinse it out. try this once a month for good damage repaire and nutrient infusion :) please let me know how it works if you try it