Trouble with hair breakage

Trouble with hair breakage
Posted by Carlos on July 03, 2002 at 10:18:08: Previous Next

Hey Guys:

It's been awhile since my last post but I still follow the board religiously:) For the past month I've been having trouble with hair breakage. When I brush my hair I can hear it snapping, and see the hair on my sink broken off in various lengths. Also, when I finger detangle the same thing happens. Same thing goes for a shower...tangles, knots, mass amounts of hair breaking off. The scary thing happened when I went to my hairdresser. She said one side off my hair is completely broken off. This is getting scary, could anyone please recommend what I should do now? Any hair care tips would be appreciated because if my hair keeps breaking I might have to cut it all off and I really don't want to go that route.


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