your opinion on few questions
Posted by Harry on July 04, 2002 at 20:23:00: Previous Next
I started growing long hair 2 years ago and even though my hair is pretty wavy and thick i'm able to wear a ponytail now. I also did THE mistake, to let my mom, who is a hairdresser, to cut my split ends last January. Believe me, that was catastrofic. 3cm's gone in just 2 seconds
What i would like to ask is if it's ok to comp wet hair. I use a wide-tooth comp but i only comp my hair when it's wet cause no-way can do this when it's dry and all messy.
Every single day, when i wake up and comp my hair, i gather about 20-30 dead hair. Is this ok??? If not, any advice? If it's nornal, any advice to limit this ammount of dead hair?
Last, the "after-the-bath" effect. About 50 dead hair comes out after every shower. Any suggestions on this??
Please gimme some suggestions cause i'm starting to get scared when i see the dustbin full of balls of dead hair
Re: your opinion on few questions
Posted by Treyn on July 04, 2002 at 22:59:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: your opinion on few questions posted by Harry on July 04, 2002 at 20:23:00:
The human head of hair, short or long, will shed between 40 to 100 hairs a day. It's just you notice it more when you have more and longer hair. I can definetly identify with you on the combing thing. My hair is also really thick and it is so much easier to comb when wet. But most guys on this board warn about combing when wet cause the hair is weaker when it is wet. I suggest just being extra careful when combing wet and pay close attention to stress points while combing. Take it easy on tangles. At times when I look at my thick hair in the mirror, I affirm to myself that I can afford to shed hair because of how thick it is anyway. The links I am providing below are web-sites with all the info a person could ever want about long hair, the science of hair, how to take care of it, etc.
Re: your opinion on few questions
Posted by Julie on July 06, 2002 at 09:15:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: your opinion on few questions posted by Harry on July 04, 2002 at 20:23:00:
I know I'm a girl, but hair's hair, whether it's male or female. ~LOL~ Anyway, how do you comb it and do you comb/brush it out before washing it? If you don't, START IMMEDIATELY. When you comb it out, you have to start at the ends and slowly work your way up. My hairdresser pisses me off because she'll start at the top and just rip it through. I'm extremely tender-headed and have discovered that because I have to hold the hair that I'm combing or brushing, I lose less hair because all the tension's not directily on the root. Does that make any sense? After I gently comb it through completely several times, I then brush through it, applying a bit more pressure on the scalp because it loosens the dirt & shit, massages it and just feels good. ~LOL~ With my experience, doing this makes it much easier to comb back out when it's damp. If you're already doing all this, I'm an idiot and aplogize. ~LOL~ I guess the key is gentleness
and patience.
Did I do okay boys?
: What i would like to ask is if it's ok to comp wet hair. I use a wide-tooth comp but i only comp my hair when it's wet cause no-way can do this when it's dry and all messy.
: Every single day, when i wake up and comp my hair, i gather about 20-30 dead hair. Is this ok??? If not, any advice? If it's nornal, any advice to limit this ammount of dead hair?
: Last, the "after-the-bath" effect. About 50 dead hair comes out after every shower. Any suggestions on this??
: Please gimme some suggestions cause i'm starting to get scared when i see the dustbin full of balls of dead hair
: Cheers