your opinion on few questions

your opinion on few questions
Posted by Harry on July 04, 2002 at 20:23:00: Previous Next

I started growing long hair 2 years ago and even though my hair is pretty wavy and thick i'm able to wear a ponytail now. I also did THE mistake, to let my mom, who is a hairdresser, to cut my split ends last January. Believe me, that was catastrofic. 3cm's gone in just 2 seconds
What i would like to ask is if it's ok to comp wet hair. I use a wide-tooth comp but i only comp my hair when it's wet cause no-way can do this when it's dry and all messy.
Every single day, when i wake up and comp my hair, i gather about 20-30 dead hair. Is this ok??? If not, any advice? If it's nornal, any advice to limit this ammount of dead hair?
Last, the "after-the-bath" effect. About 50 dead hair comes out after every shower. Any suggestions on this??

Please gimme some suggestions cause i'm starting to get scared when i see the dustbin full of balls of dead hair


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