Style decision, help me decide?!

Style decision, help me decide?!
Posted by Solero on July 11, 2002 at 19:47:50: Previous Next

Hi, I currently have longish hair, but it is cut in layers, the hair on top is about 3 inches, down to my nose at the front, and the back is also in layers, it looks like long hair all over sort of (a bit like Tom Cruise's in M:I-2) but it can sometimes be a real pain to style (even though it's pretty straight). I was wondering whether to grow it all to one sort of length. What I mean is grow the hair on the top all the way down to my nose at the front, then taper backwards at a slight angle say to my mouth at the back (all the same length still). Then maybe just have another layer at the bottom of the back (or even have the back all same length with maybe a slight undercut at the bottom for control!)??????????

So I can't decide whether to have my hair thinned out again (i.e. shorter layers) or to grow all to one-ish sort of length in a tapered style from front to back, ARGH!!! I guess the essential question is, does anyone know if it is easier to style hair that is all one length (because it is longer)? Or is it easier to style hair cut in a few layers (cause it is shorter) (Remember my hair is quite straight and about medium thickness)?

Please let me know what ya think!

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