Stay open minded

Stay open minded
Posted by Paul on July 14, 2002 at 08:00:19: Previous Next

I have been reading this board for a couple years now. I have had long hair and short hair, I prefer long hair.
I keep reading the same questions over and over and over. I also keep reading the same diggs at all hair styles other than just one length and as long as it possibly can be. I would hope that a group of people used to being outside the "norm" would be willing to accept others but find most are just as stuck in thier ways as the buzz crowd.
I hope that as long hair comes back in, we as the long hair community will embrace all styles of hair and not judge a style because we don't wear it. If we all had the same one length long hair, I promise we would be board. So get the style that fits your face, Listen to a good stylist and have awesome hair. But don't be a small minded and remember diversity rules.

thanks, Paul

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