Recent posts of anti longhair
Posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 11:17:26: Previous Next
Hey everyone I would Just like to say that I myself am christian and PROUD OF IT! I feel that jesus loves me regardless of how long my hair is and for these guys to suggest anything else is just plain ignorant. I pleade with you all to have more sense than these guys and do not take them as an example of all christians. David Coresh claimed to be christian and was having sex with underage girls and ended up killing many people. ( he is plainly not an example of a chirstian ) I have known many long haired christians in my time and all of them were good upstanding people. For me I welcome all religious and philosophy from friends and loved ones so long as the basic underlying message is be good to others and yourself. So Guys and gals would you please stop posting URLs to silly anti hair sites? All it does is give soem peopel doubt abotu growing their hair and only proves to give the judgemental guys more traffic to their web sites. Judge not lest yee be judged and so on. The best cure for people like that are to just ignore their web site entirly. KEEP IT LONG PEOPLE AND NEVER JUDGE! :)
Re: Recent posts of anti longhair
Posted by Hair Religion on July 15, 2002 at 12:27:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: Recent posts of anti longhair posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 11:17:26:
Hey, I'm an Atheist and PROUD OF IT TOO! But I know that this doesn't reflect the views of all Christians (or other religions). There are many decent Christians and many nut cases as well. But how can you define what constitutes a Christian? The people who put up these sites would say that you are not an example of a real Christian because you don't share their views. There are over 2000 different religious groups in America alone, many of which are "Christian" but believe different variations of...the same thing? It's nice that you want to focus on a positive feel-good version of your religion (as other faiths like Islam are trying to do now too) but the reality of religion is that it's not all that way, never has been, never will be.
No, don't ignore these sites because this is where many of the negative attitudes about long hair are formed and propogated...and people of the same faith often actually believe this stinking load of crap along with a bunch of other crap about people that isn't true (you're supposed to believe your religious leaders who talk to god aren't you?). Keep posting these sites so more people can understand why society (or their communities) responds as it does to their hair (it's not hits for them but information for you).
Glad you are onboard with us Dustin!
Re: Recent posts of anti longhair
Posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 12:42:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: Recent posts of anti longhair posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 11:17:26:
To me he sounds like some right wing extreamist that bends things to his own thinking. I mean look at the current head of the KKK/arian nation. He thinks he is christian and he bends and twists good things until they are so distorted they can hardly be recognized. Same with Osama Binladen. I do not hate all muslims because of him. I do not like the ones that follow him though :) any religion or beleife can be used as an excuse to do bad or to gain (take) power. I just try to look for the good and make sure people know this guy does not represent my religion hehe
Re: Recent posts of anti longhair
Posted by 4everlong on July 15, 2002 at 14:24:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Recent posts of anti longhair posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 12:42:42:
: To me he sounds like some right wing extreamist that bends things to his own thinking. I mean look at the current head of the KKK/arian nation. He thinks he is christian and he bends and twists good things until they are so distorted they can hardly be recognized. Same with Osama Binladen. I do not hate all muslims because of him. I do not like the ones that follow him though :) any religion or beleife can be used as an excuse to do bad or to gain (take) power. I just try to look for the good and make sure people know this guy does not represent my religion hehe
Anybody who uses Christianity to justify distruction or spread hatred, or restrict hair styles, especially on men/boys, is NOT a Christian. He is a hypocrite. Our Lord made us in the image and likeness of him. We are all temples of God, and anybody who distroys these temples of God, God will destroy him (even if this is verbal destruction). Remember: Love thy neighbor as yourself, even if your
neighbor has long hair.
Re: Recent posts of anti longhair
Posted by Hair Religion on July 15, 2002 at 17:17:08: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Recent posts of anti longhair posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 12:42:42:
Yup, bending things, changing the facts, logical fallicies, etc. until their side "seems" to be supported it is how they do business. But we need to know about these people because someday everyone will run into one of them and though you can't deal with them you need to be able to identify them so you can avoid them. Unfortunately many people get taken in by them because they don't know the difference. Spouting lots of religious stuff and acting pious actually works for these nuts and gives them power over how other people think. That's a tragedy. Believe what you want but know what the hell it is first!
Re: Recent posts of anti longhair
Posted by buck on July 15, 2002 at 15:04:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Recent posts of anti longhair posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 11:17:26:
Good post Dustin,
What on Earth would the length of your hair have to do w/ religion? Anyone who thinks so is beyond comprehesion in my book.
Christianity doesn't condemn long hair and anyone who thinks so is just not too bright. Their beliefs are their problem, not mine. JMHO
: Hey everyone I would Just like to say that I myself am christian and PROUD OF IT! I feel that jesus loves me regardless of how long my hair is and for these guys to suggest anything else is just plain ignorant. I pleade with you all to have more sense than these guys and do not take them as an example of all christians. David Coresh claimed to be christian and was having sex with underage girls and ended up killing many people. ( he is plainly not an example of a chirstian ) I have known many long haired christians in my time and all of them were good upstanding people. For me I welcome all religious and philosophy from friends and loved ones so long as the basic underlying message is be good to others and yourself. So Guys and gals would you please stop posting URLs to silly anti hair sites? All it does is give soem peopel doubt abotu growing their hair and only proves to give the judgemental guys more traffic to their web sites. Judge not lest yee be judged and so on. The best cure for people like that are to just ignore their web site entirly. KEEP IT LONG PEOPLE AND NEVER JUDGE! :)
yup, yup
Posted by The Kid on July 15, 2002 at 15:27:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: Recent posts of anti longhair posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 11:17:26:
Well sed, bro!!
I found this site here was great for seeing what the Bible actually does say about longhair on men-the Bible praises longhair!
Longhair & the Bible
Grace & Peace,
: Hey everyone I would Just like to say that I myself am christian and PROUD OF IT! I feel that jesus loves me regardless of how long my hair is and for these guys to suggest anything else is just plain ignorant. I pleade with you all to have more sense than these guys and do not take them as an example of all christians. David Coresh claimed to be christian and was having sex with underage girls and ended up killing many people. ( he is plainly not an example of a chirstian ) I have known many long haired christians in my time and all of them were good upstanding people. For me I welcome all religious and philosophy from friends and loved ones so long as the basic underlying message is be good to others and yourself. So Guys and gals would you please stop posting URLs to silly anti hair sites? All it does is give soem peopel doubt abotu growing their hair and only proves to give the judgemental guys more traffic to their web sites. Judge not lest yee be judged and so on. The best cure for people like that are to just ignore their web site entirly. KEEP IT LONG PEOPLE AND NEVER JUDGE! :)
try again
Posted by The Kid on July 15, 2002 at 15:32:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: yup, yup posted by The Kid on July 15, 2002 at 15:27:30:
I'm not sure y it didn't work-here's the url for copying and pasting.
This might work:
Longhair & the Bible