Recent posts of anti longhair

Recent posts of anti longhair
Posted by Dustin on July 15, 2002 at 11:17:26: Previous Next

Hey everyone I would Just like to say that I myself am christian and PROUD OF IT! I feel that jesus loves me regardless of how long my hair is and for these guys to suggest anything else is just plain ignorant. I pleade with you all to have more sense than these guys and do not take them as an example of all christians. David Coresh claimed to be christian and was having sex with underage girls and ended up killing many people. ( he is plainly not an example of a chirstian ) I have known many long haired christians in my time and all of them were good upstanding people. For me I welcome all religious and philosophy from friends and loved ones so long as the basic underlying message is be good to others and yourself. So Guys and gals would you please stop posting URLs to silly anti hair sites? All it does is give soem peopel doubt abotu growing their hair and only proves to give the judgemental guys more traffic to their web sites. Judge not lest yee be judged and so on. The best cure for people like that are to just ignore their web site entirly. KEEP IT LONG PEOPLE AND NEVER JUDGE! :)

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