The Adoration of Women

The Adoration of Women
Posted by Reflective on July 15, 2002 at 22:08:53: Previous Next

I have noticed that the longer my hair gets, the more women look at me and start conversations with me. I have also noticed that they seem to notice me most when I style my hair in some unusual way. The following story is my best experience yet;

The other day, I decided to style my hair in what I think of as my Scorpion King / Lord of the Rings style. What I do is pull the hair on the sides and top into a high half ponytail, secured at the crown of my head. I let this half ponytail cascade down over the hair in the back, which is left loose, except for one small section just behind one ear. This section, I braid into a microbraid that I let hang down in front of my shoulder and accross my breast. It looks positively Masculine, Powerful and dramatically beautiful, all at the same time.

I was waiting for an elevator when a really beautiful woman came to wait for the elevator also. She had her boyfriend with her. I noticed as they arrived where I was standing, that she glanced at me and then did a double take. This happens a lot, from both men and women, so I didn't think much about it. When we got into the elevator, I ended up standing in front of this woman. She was behind me and a little to my left, like at 8 o'clock or so. As we were riding down in the elevator, I turned slightly to the left and noticed out of the corner of my eye, that she was looking at me. I turned to face her and our eyes locked. I know that it was probably only about three seconds, but it seemed like an eternity. There we were, two total strangers in an elevator, face to face and gaze locked into each other. I could tell by the look in her eyes that I was her fantasy come true. It would have gone on longer, but at that point her boyfriend actually placed his hands on her shoulders and purposefully turned and pulled her away from me. Oh what fun that was! I could just imagine her with him later, thinking of me!

Don't ever underestimate the power of dramatically styled long hair on the opposite sex! I grow it for myself, but even if I didn't, experiences like this would make it all worth while!

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