Its just a phase!

Its just a phase!
Posted by gilee on July 17, 2002 at 21:19:56: Previous Next

My mom thinks I'm just going thru a phase right now where I want longhair!! Always when we're out in public and somebody we know may mention my hair has gotten longer or something she'll always say; "yeah he going thru a phase right now." She says I'll probably get it cut in a few months or a couple months maybe at the most. I told her I didn't even have longhair yet (not in my eyes at least) and that when I get I'll have it till im 50!!! I have no prob that she thinks it's a phase. I know it's not; I wanted longhair since I was in kindergarten. But always when I ask her if she likes my hair she says yeah and she doesn't act like its a big deal but when were out in public she the first to jump on it when somebody mentions it.

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