Are all parents that strict?

Are all parents that strict?
Posted by Beret on July 18, 2002 at 09:35:53: Previous Next

I read this board every day (I'm not posting very often :-), just want tips to keep my hair healthy while growing out), and I always see young men that have problems with their parents that don't like their hair.

Is that very common? I don't know, cause for my parents it really doesn't matter how I look (only how I "am", I think).

My mother even asked me, if I want to have long hairs (that were the 5 years I got the buzz-cut all the time ;-) ). I want to know if it depends on parents, countrys (I can't think of friends of mine, that would get problems with their parents if they start growing their hair out; I'm from Austria(Europe not Australia ;-) )) or anything else.

sorry for my bad english =)


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