helmet hair

helmet hair
Posted by Erik on July 23, 2002 at 23:27:28: Previous Next

what can you do about this, i ride a motor cycle and where a helmet alot and it like makes my hair all flat. also just wanted to say that i can now put all my bangs behind my ears so i look a bit better for my interview tomarrow, wish me luck. I was originally going to wear a half pony tail (only thing i can put it in lol) for it but my dad said it looked quir so im going to just tuck my bangs back. also im wondering if i will be going over board if i wear a suit and tie. or should it just be like a dress shirt and black jeans. also for another cool thing that happend is we had this family reunion and i seen a bunch of people i havent seen forever and they noticed my hair and said they liked it and it was somthing different, im wondering if they just really meant they hated it, i dont know well see ya

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