helmet hair
Posted by Erik on July 23, 2002 at 23:27:28: Previous Next
what can you do about this, i ride a motor cycle and where a helmet alot and it like makes my hair all flat. also just wanted to say that i can now put all my bangs behind my ears so i look a bit better for my interview tomarrow, wish me luck. I was originally going to wear a half pony tail (only thing i can put it in lol) for it but my dad said it looked quir so im going to just tuck my bangs back. also im wondering if i will be going over board if i wear a suit and tie. or should it just be like a dress shirt and black jeans. also for another cool thing that happend is we had this family reunion and i seen a bunch of people i havent seen forever and they noticed my hair and said they liked it and it was somthing different, im wondering if they just really meant they hated it, i dont know well see ya
Re: helmet hair
Posted by Polska on July 24, 2002 at 00:23:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: helmet hair posted by Erik on July 23, 2002 at 23:27:28:
Although some may accuse me of having limited work experience, as i am only 17, this much i do know, do not wear jeans! You should at least wear dress pants and a white button up shirt; a tie would also be nice. The sports jacket you can skip, but remember, sneakers do not go well with dress pants, consistency says much about your character, so if you dont have any dress shoes or casual boots, borrow some. You have to give the appearance of taking your work seriously, even before you have it. Good Luck! ;)
Re: helmet hair
Posted by SFMike on July 24, 2002 at 07:21:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: helmet hair posted by Erik on July 23, 2002 at 23:27:28:
: what can you do about this, i ride a motor cycle and where a helmet alot and it like makes my hair all flat.
Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done under a helmet. I personally put mine into a pony, then put a hair glove over the pony to keep out tangles and throw a doo rag on before putting the helmet on, it helps a little, but if I want to look good for an occasion, then I don't ride the bike.
: wondering if i will be going over board if i wear a suit and tie. or should it just be like a dress shirt and black jeans.
Depends on the job you're going for, for an office job wear the suit, otherwise, clean and pressed dockers and a polo shirt works. Unfortunately, it's still a beauty contest out there when it comes to job interviews, and if you really want the position, the old adage "dress for success" still rules!