Posted by JAY_KAY on July 25, 2002 at 14:36:19: Previous Next

hi everyone about 6 months ago i decided to grow my hair just about the same lentgh as kurt cobains when he done mtv unplugged in new york now i have a couple of questions,

1)how long do you think this will take, my sister reckons about 12 months is this true

2)when your hair goes in to the really messy stage where u just cant do anything with it how long does that usually last

final question recently my hair has just seemed to stop growing, does your hair growth slow down or is it just me being impatient.

thanks for your replys every one oh yeah my hair is kinda crinkly so when my hair is wet its about 4 inches long but dry it springs up to 3 inches, look forward to your replys.

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