Posted by Mantraschism on July 28, 2002 at 16:59:57: Previous Next
I had the classic 'haircut' dream last night. In my dream, I, for some reason, had it cut short, *really* short. It was like a really short bowl cut. I don't remember why I had it cut in the dream, but I remember that I was completely miserable for the entire dream after that. Then, in this dream, a girl told me that I should shave my head. I was somewhat angered by her comment and said, 'No, I'm growing it long.' The dream was so realistic; there was no strangeness at all to tip me off that it was only a dream. I was with my brother; the girl who told me that I should shave it in the dream is a girl I know named Jayme (who has never in real life told me to shave it, or cut it, or to do anything else with it); the places were all familiar, etc.
Much was my relief when I was awakened by the phone ringing. It was my grandmother. We had a nice conversation, but at the end she says, 'Have you cut your hair yet?' My reply, of course, 'No ma'am.' Asking if I had cut my hair right after the dream I had just had was no thanks. She then proceeded to go on and on about how no other boys have hair like mine, which looks so ratty and nasty and etc. 'Well, you're not riding with us to go see your dad with your hair like that. You're cutting it first. You know your daddy would make you get a haircut while you were over there.' So I said, 'No, I'm not. I'll find some other way to get there.' I left uncommented on the statement about 'your daddy would make you cut it...' *cough* Bull. I'm 19. I don't live with either my grandparents or my dad, and even if I did, they still couldn't make me cut it. *sigh*
Well, I'm just rambling. Sorry... T_T
Re: *sigh*
Posted by Treyn on July 28, 2002 at 17:20:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: *sigh* posted by Mantraschism on July 28, 2002 at 16:59:57:
I'm sure it's rough to have family not respect your descisions about yourself and what you want, but it is good to see that you are standing up for your right to what you want. Don't give in, man. If only people would just stop pushing their old traditions off on other people and see them for who they are. KEEP IT LONG!!!!!
Re: *sigh*
Posted by I wish I had a beard on July 28, 2002 at 19:05:08: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: *sigh* posted by Treyn on July 28, 2002 at 17:20:44:
I didnt realise that dreams about getting a haircut were that common. I had one not so long ago where I was heading to my grandfather's funeral (he died not so long ago, the funeral had been and gone a while back when I had the dream) and I went into a public toilet at the church before it started. For some reason the toilets were exactly like those at my school. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had the very short hair that I used to have and remembered going to get it "tidied up" and telling myself that it wasnt that short, like I was in denial. I then accepted what had happened and was devasted.
I made my back out into the church where everyone was sitting and talking to each other (the church was totally different from the actual one). I sat near the front and my grandfather came down the isle and sat infront of me. No one seemed to notice him and he sat looking just past me with a sad and far away look on his face.
It was a surreal dream to say the least but the grief that I felt about my hair was genuinly overwhelming and after I woke up it kept me on a downer for most of the day.
*sigh* great story!
Posted by LucksKind on July 28, 2002 at 20:06:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: *sigh* posted by I wish I had a beard on July 28, 2002 at 19:05:08:
People don't talk about their dreams too often yet everybody has them.
Sometimes dreams tell us things we need to know.
Thanks for sharing!
Re: *sigh*
Posted by Erik on July 28, 2002 at 20:21:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: *sigh* posted by Mantraschism on July 28, 2002 at 16:59:57:
oh my god, i had a dream of my hair being cutt short again. now this was weird let me explain mine. I woke up and i whent to the mirror and i noticed my hair looked shorter then it was like i forgot what just blew it off and whent through my day, then it all asodend dawned on me my hair was all short. i asked my mom for some reason if she cutt it and she said she didnt but it looked alot better. then i was freaking out and stuff and my dad walks in ad tells my mom that he shouldent have done that to me. and i will tell you the truth in my dream i was like crying and thinking of all the time thats whent into my hair. then i asked my mom how they cutt it without me knowing and all asuden i woke up. i have been having some weird ones lately though, i dont understand them either. there very real like though wich is also realy freaky.
Re: *sigh*
Posted by Polska on July 29, 2002 at 00:35:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: *sigh* posted by Mantraschism on July 28, 2002 at 16:59:57:
Haha, this is unreal. I had a dream about getting my hair cut maybe 5 months ago in about the 4th month of growth. I dont remember many details but i do remember how distraught and angry i realized it had been cut. Just thinking about makes me angry, yikes! Thank god it was the only one ive had, or remember, but i felt embarrased to tell ppl as they always looked at me like i was crazy for dreaming about something like that and becoming so concerened over it, until now. :@
Re: *sigh*
Posted by M. on July 29, 2002 at 07:08:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: *sigh* posted by Mantraschism on July 28, 2002 at 16:59:57:
I guess everyone at some point had this kind of dream. I dreamt a few months ago the same thing, that i had cut my hair and was not pleased with the results.