An observation on Ignorance
Posted by Alexander on July 29, 2002 at 04:55:55: Previous Next
I was just reading through the _comeback_ string from the 19th and remembering an experience of my own.
Some kid told me my hair made me look queer. Foremost, my conversation ends shortly after someone uses the term "queer" as an insult. And I really don't mind being "mistaken" as gay.
However, I found it interesting that this particular person styled his hair in that odd little fashion where the short bangs are gelled upwards and he was wearing the long sleeved Abercrombie shirt and I seem to recall (though I may be mistaken) that in recent times (as in little more than a year ago) among youth this style was a stereotypically gay style.
Furthermore, that style of hair, in my mind, is the worst I've ever seen. It's right up there in poor taste with the obviously bleached spot at the top of the head.
I also came to the realization that we aren't very good at comebacks. But they just don't seem necessary as it's impossible to argue with someone who can't comprehend the ignorant mass he or she (though rarely she in the case of hair) might be. Though I did like Manny's "hey! are you putting up money for my shampoo, haircuts appointments, or my soul selling activities?"