Poverty & bad hair
Posted by SixStringThing on August 03, 2002 at 10:37:56: Previous Next
I live in San Antonio, TX and I've noticed that in the worst sections of town people have really bad looking hair and in the "rich" sections people have very nice looking hair. I don't know if it's just a huge coincidence or what? Can lifestyle possibly affect hair THIS much??? BTW. in the worse sections of town here there are lots of longhairs, i've also noticed that in these sections of town everybody has curly or very wavy hair w/lots of split ends etc. Now in the "rich" sections there are hardly any longhairs but the few usually have straight hair, very silky looking. Has anybody noticed this in any other cities?
I know what you mean...
Posted by LucksKind on August 03, 2002 at 11:35:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Poverty & bad hair posted by SixStringThing on August 03, 2002 at 10:37:56:
...but maybe "rich" people just take better care of their hair,
but not always. There is better access to good quality cuts and
hair care. Also, more products to "fix" problems.
A lot of the "bad" hair I see is usually due to bad cuts.
If a person starts growing long hair on a bad cut well...
sometimes things only get worse.
Still I've seen people with little money and GREAT hair so
go figure!
Re: Poverty & bad hair
Posted by Mark on August 03, 2002 at 18:42:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: Poverty & bad hair posted by SixStringThing on August 03, 2002 at 10:37:56:
im not sure how bad conditions in the poverty parts are you are talking about, but if they are real poverty stricken, ie bordering on homelessness, then i doubt they would be able to afford things like good quality shampoo, let alone conditioner and other hair care products. hair cuts too i would imagine would be done at home to save money... of course that situation would probebly just be those who barely have enough money to put food on the table and im not sure just how poor these people are that you mean, but i guess those could be major reasons.
Re: Poverty & bad hair
Posted by Treyn on August 03, 2002 at 18:58:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Poverty & bad hair posted by Mark on August 03, 2002 at 18:42:23:
I would suspect it to be poor eating habits. Not eating to often, not getting the right nutrients, vitamins, etc. Has a lot to do with hair health! PEACE!