Long Haired Again
Posted by joe on August 08, 2002 at 09:31:50: Previous Next
I have had long hair off and on since my twenties. I have always felt better with long hair despite the drawbacks (the awkward stage, people's comments, etc.). Now I'm approaching fifty and I think that it is time to let it grow once and for all. I'm in academia in a somewhat conservative college. However, I have just received tenure so there is nothing to lose on that score.
Now my hair is silver/grey and I have a bald spot on my crown. None the less, I plan to let it grow to my shoulders or perhaps, over time, to my waist if it will do that. This time, however, I plan to get it trimmed every once in a while to keep it looking healthy.
I would like to hear the experiences of other older, professional men who have let their hair grow.
Thanks for your support.
Long Haired Again
Posted by LucksKind on August 08, 2002 at 10:16:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: Long Haired Again posted by joe on August 08, 2002 at 09:31:50:
[quote]"I have had long hair off and on since my twenties. I have always felt better with long hair despite the drawbacks (the awkward stage, people's comments, etc.). Now I'm approaching fifty and I think that it is time to let it grow once and for all."
I saw a man with gray hair, etc. as you described, and he looked
great in a ponytail.
IMO people notice you more and have a sort of respect and admiration
for you. Maybe this is because they can see you are following
your own feelings and internal goals, and are not just
going along with the rest of the herd.
Re: Long Haired Again
Posted by BLAIS on August 08, 2002 at 11:36:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Long Haired Again posted by joe on August 08, 2002 at 09:31:50:
: I have had long hair off and on since my twenties. I have always felt better with long hair despite the drawbacks (the awkward stage, people's comments, etc.). Now I'm approaching fifty and I think that it is time to let it grow once and for all. I'm in academia in a somewhat conservative college. However, I have just received tenure so there is nothing to lose on that score.
: Now my hair is silver/grey and I have a bald spot on my crown. None the less, I plan to let it grow to my shoulders or perhaps, over time, to my waist if it will do that. This time, however, I plan to get it trimmed every once in a while to keep it looking healthy.
: I would like to hear the experiences of other older, professional men who have let their hair grow. PLEASE POST A PICTURE, BACK SHOT-FRONT SHOT
: Thanks for your support.
Re: Long Haired Again
Posted by FITMUS on August 08, 2002 at 15:13:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Long Haired Again posted by joe on August 08, 2002 at 09:31:50:
Hi Joe,
I am very similar to you in that I was very concerned on whether or not to grow my hair out again (I'm 30 now and had long hair in my 20's too), all because of my future profession as an attorney. (see some of the past posts in the beginning of July under the string heads "Fitmus" and "Liketo"). For me, an attorney and a doctor were part of the responses. I've also seen another person on this board who's also in education.
After hearing the responses from the nice folks on this board, I made a very difficult decision to regrow, BEFORE I get a job...with NO tenure option! Your feelings when you had long hair combined with your tenure equals a good proposition for regrowing also (how's that for an equation!) Haha!
Also, I really think it's wrong for society to be able to discriminate against a man just for having long hair. Perhaps more "professionals" having long hair can alleviate some of the bad perception that comes with males and long hair. I think one reason many guys don't have long hair is because of the bad perception and because of employer discrimination. And as a toast to everyone here, I can't remember having more intelligent coversations than with my fellow longhairs! Cheers!
Re: Long Haired Again
Posted by NorCal Scott on August 08, 2002 at 21:26:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Long Haired Again posted by joe on August 08, 2002 at 09:31:50:
I had longish hair in my 20s in college. I cut it off when I left school, got a job (several) and have had short hair since.
On a whim, I decided to grow my hair out. Like you, I am older (early 50s). I also have thinning hair (no bald spot...yet!). My hair is still dark brown with only 1% or so gray (my grandfathers both kept their color into their 70s and 80s).
I have had no real negative comments. Several people have mentioned that they were suprised a conservative Republican such as myself would do this. I did get a compliment a couple of days ago from a co-worker.
I wear my hair at work usually in a pony tail. I would rather wear it loose, but it does look neater in a 'tail.
Keep it neat and combed, maybe in a ponytail, and I am sure you will look fine. In your venue, I would suspect the administration is more tolerant than elsewhere, even in a conservative college.
I have a co-worker who is tall, about 60, has thinning hair and a ponytail. He is a supervisor and looks fine.
: I have had long hair off and on since my twenties. I have always felt better with long hair despite the drawbacks (the awkward stage, people's comments, etc.). Now I'm approaching fifty and I think that it is time to let it grow once and for all. I'm in academia in a somewhat conservative college. However, I have just received tenure so there is nothing to lose on that score.
Re: Long Haired Again
Posted by Terry on August 14, 2002 at 14:33:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Long Haired Again posted by joe on August 08, 2002 at 09:31:50:
There are risks in everything we do, but our character, disposition and charm can get us things others can't get away with. I am the only guy with long hair in the building - very conservative environment. The last comment I heard from the head guy was all the managers are talking about your long hair. I said I told everybody to give me advance notice before I get in trouble (posturing). Salemanship is everything. When I am asked from time to time (1 1/2 years growth) when I am going cut my hair, I always say tomorrow. Of course, now everybody laughts. If you are the only person doing anything different you are going to get heat. (part of the fun). I hate stuff in my hair and I don't like the ponytail look on me either. I recently had a 1/8" trim which was essentially nothing removed. The haircutter did a center braid (I think it is called a cornrow) - loved it but can't do it myself yet) I have made a few discoveries. In the growing process older guys don't look particularly good with hair hanging down on the sides. A ponytail is one option. It seems that most guys put their long hair in a ponytail. I am concerned that if I do that at work, they will try to pressure me to keep my hair in a ponytail for neatness sake so I keeping it hanging loose.
Gluing the hair back with all sorts of guck is another option.
I made one mistake I am paying for now. I trimmed the hair around my ears after a year. Very bad idea. It makes the hair look neater at the time but it causes a much bigger problem later.
My hair is now long enough for a small ponytail - except all the side hair that I had trimmed around the ears is not long enough to be part of the ponytail. But we learn the hardway from our mistakes. Cuz I don't like a ponytail, I have found a way to keep my hair back but not in a ponytail. I bought a few small to try - I will call them hair allegator clips - and I use one to keep my hair together at the back. I gather the hair from the sides and the hair at the back and bottom of my neckline. I gather it like a ponytail except I gather very little but very specific hair. I take the allegator clip claws facing the ceiling and stick the hair in the claws that I have gathered. I usually have to open the claws from time to time to stick in a few side hairs. What is neat is that the hair from most of my head just hangs down and covers this bunched up hair and hides the allegator clip, too. The hair that normally hangs down on the sides is gathered in the clip yet it is not a ponytail or a ponytail look. I guess you could say I effectively hide some of the hair under the hair that hangs down at the back of my neck. After my hair is past my shoulders, I don't think it will be a problem because it will just hang down naturally. Now, unfortunately, if I don't tuck some of the hair, it buffs out and the whole world hates it including me.