Nantahal River growing up...

Nantahal River growing up...
Posted by Treyn on August 11, 2002 at 18:39:38: Previous Next

I am originally from the mountains of North Carolina. I grew up on a road called Wesser Creek about a mile from the Nantahala River in the Great Smokie Mountains. Down on the river you seen a lot of longhairs. You mostly saw them wearing Kayak wet-suits or Robin Hood style tight pants with jogging shorts worn over the top of them. Most of them drove VW Vans with kayak's on top. Kinda the peace, love and woodstock type crowd. You would often see them standing in a circle playing hackysack. The locals around there at some point in time starting calling these guys Granola's. Not exactly sure why, but that's what they called 'em. I guess because they were health nuts. Anyway, that is probably what first instilled the desire in me to grow my hair long. Don't exactly know why I waited this long to finally do it though. Anyone ever been to the Smokies? Possibly the Nantahala River?

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