Trick for dry hair AND greasy hair

Trick for dry hair AND greasy hair
Posted by Solero on August 12, 2002 at 13:04:48: Previous Next

Hi, I have longish hair and I used to get really annoyed with it in the mornings. I used to wash my hair nearly every day and spend ages getting it right in the morning. I found a trick now though. I wash my hair and condition at night and style it into roughly the style I want, don't have to take too much trouble, then let it dry, then I go to bed. I find that when I wake up the next morning, my hair has sort of coated itself in the natural oils that your head produces.

All I do then is comb out the tangles gently, get a handful of water and just evenly coat my hair with the water, until my whole head is fairly damp, but I DO NOT RINSE MY WHOLE HEAD! I find if I do that, it gets greasy really quickly. Just a bit of water each morning should do the trick for ya!!! Also, I don't have to wash my hair nearly as much, now it's only every 4 days or so.

So try it! Wash/condition at night, comb and water in morning, say goodbye to dryness AND greasiness!

Keep it long people!

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