What hairstyles to prevent mullet-look?

What hairstyles to prevent mullet-look?
Posted by Greenberet on August 22, 2002 at 09:11:13: Previous Next

I am a 4,5 Monther now and startet from a buzzcut. My hair is almost a mullet now. School starts at 13.9. or something and i want to get that mullet look away till then without loosing time for my hairgrowth. If i shake my head i can't really see my ears any more and at the back its almost at my collar. I have VERY thick hair. What should i tell the barber that he knows, that he MUST NOT cut at the top of the head, only the sides and the back. Will a Bowlcut do this (I don't like bowlcuts, but it's better than a mullet). Can you think of any other hairstyles to get that mullet-look away?

thanks for answeres


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