just need a shoulder to cry on.

just need a shoulder to cry on.
Posted by yetanotherbrian on August 26, 2002 at 23:22:52: Previous Next

Greetings everyone.

My name is Brian, and I've been plagued by sexual labels and clichés all my short life, and I'm feeling rather down.

I have always thought that there are some very pointless modern rules about acceptable hair length among men and women.

I think its cool when women cut their hair short, or even shave their heads!

But everyone I know says that short haired women look like lesbians and are unattractive to men, so hence women should never cut their hair.

I get the same 'garbage' (fighting urge to curse) when it comes to long hair on men, that it would make me look like a homosexual, a stoner, a criminal, or dirty, and that women would'nt like me.


I have wavy strawberry-blonde hair, and I have had people say my hair is beautiful, i've even had one person say it would look good long!

I am not over-weight, have good skin, and im not ugly (dispite what i tell myself), but girls seem to only like the guys with short, spiky haircuts (even though some are jerks!)

I'm 17 (a tender age), and feel like my hair is making it harder to live. I've had an ongoing dispute with my reletives (everyone except my brother) as to whether it is acceptable for men to have long hair, and whether I can have it.

I've tried growing my hair out in the past, but my parents (whom I love and respect very much) actually forced me to cut it.

even when I casually mention the idea in conversation, I am quickly shot down because of the same old stereotypes.

my parents have actually had some valid points in the past (a sign that they are not just trying to be mean), but I can't really think of a way to defend my views.

i've been thinking about shaving my head, but my parents have forbidden it.

they said i would look like a skinhead; but i'm no racist!

I can't move out (i don't have the means), and I love my parents too much to go behind their backs only to be chewed out later.

I feel very trapped and very alone.

I know there is probably no real solution to the problem,

but I would just like to know that somebody understands.

Thanks for listening.

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