Poll...Longhair family ...

Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 11:08:16: Previous Next

Someone on here was once told (when they say him with long hair)...
..."You must have been raised in a Family full of girls."

That got me to thinking this might be a great question to ask
everybody just to see what effect our upbringing and family life
had on our choice to be Longhairs...

[These questions do NOT necessarily apply to the 'traditional'family.

1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
...affected your 'hair decisions'?

2. Or did you grow up with a 'mix' of girls and boys?

3. Were you an 'only child'?

4. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.

5. If you started growing hair as a teen, what kind of 'opposition'
....or 'support' did you get from Family/Caregivers.

6. Did you make the 'decision' to grow your hair later in Life?
...If you did, what reactions did you receive from Family/Caregivers?

7. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?

8. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!

9. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
...the same as the males...or of a different nature?

10. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?

This might give us an idea of any common traits and experiences
we might have in common.



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