Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 11:08:16: Previous Next
Someone on here was once told (when they say him with long hair)...
..."You must have been raised in a Family full of girls."
That got me to thinking this might be a great question to ask
everybody just to see what effect our upbringing and family life
had on our choice to be Longhairs...
[These questions do NOT necessarily apply to the 'traditional'family.
1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
...affected your 'hair decisions'?
2. Or did you grow up with a 'mix' of girls and boys?
3. Were you an 'only child'?
4. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.
5. If you started growing hair as a teen, what kind of 'opposition'
....or 'support' did you get from Family/Caregivers.
6. Did you make the 'decision' to grow your hair later in Life?
...If you did, what reactions did you receive from Family/Caregivers?
7. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?
8. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!
9. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
...the same as the males...or of a different nature?
10. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?
This might give us an idea of any common traits and experiences
we might have in common.
Re: Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by Rokker on August 28, 2002 at 12:24:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Poll...Longhair family ... posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 11:08:16:
1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
...affected your 'hair decisions'?
No...just a brother. We both grew our hair out in our teens, once our parents decided we were old enough to really know what hair we wanted.
2. Or did you grow up with a 'mix' of girls and boys?
Spent a lot of time with cousins, a big mix of boys and girls. The girls always had long hair, and I admired it. One older cousin, a guy, Gary, had longish hair...which I always thought looked cool. This was early to mid 70s...when longer hair was the norm anyway.
3. Were you an 'only child'?
I am now. :-(
4. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.
Parents were lenient when it came to going out, staying out late, dating, driving, etc. My father understood my wish for longer hair, though my mother was,nd still is, very vocal in her hatred for it.
5. If you started growing hair as a teen, what kind of 'opposition'
....or 'support' did you get from Family/Caregivers.
My dad didn't really care. My mother hated it, but in my teens accepted it. Now that I'm 39 and still have long hair, she really hates it.
6. Did you make the 'decision' to grow your hair later in Life?
...If you did, what reactions did you receive from Family/Caregivers?
Started at about 12 or 13. At the time, no one cared very much.
7. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?
Fortunately, I grew up in the 70s. Long hair was the norm. Most kids had long hair, and those of us in bands had even longer hair!
My friends had long hair. My brother ad long hair. It was a great time to be a longhair!
8. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!
My father is indifferent. Prefers hair shorter, but doesn't care. My mother hates long hair on men and lets everyone know it!
9. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
...the same as the males...or of a different nature?
My aunts tended to like it. My mother and grandmother didn't. Most of the men were indifferent.
10. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?
I never cared and still don't. I think not caring about anyone else's opinion bugs them. They wish I did care!
Re: Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 14:15:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Poll...Longhair family ... posted by Rokker on August 28, 2002 at 12:24:29:
Wow...that's great. But it probably isn't like this for most.
Re: Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by I wish I had a beard on August 28, 2002 at 16:19:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Poll...Longhair family ... posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 14:15:35:
1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
...affected your 'hair decisions'?
I was raised pretty much in an all girl house. My parents got divorced when I was fairly young and for a while it was me, my mum and my sister (three years younger). Then my mum got re-married but that recently ended (thank God) and now its me, my mum, my sister, a newer 4 year old sister and my gran.
2. Or did you grow up with a 'mix' of girls and boys?
Thats answered above isnt it?
3. Were you an 'only child'?
And that one is.
4. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.
Pretty lenient, exluding my step father.
5. If you started growing hair as a teen, what kind of 'opposition'
....or 'support' did you get from Family/Caregivers.
My dad (who I still see frequently) was indifferent about it. Infact everyone is.
7. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?
All good apart from one or two people saying I shouldnt do it.
8. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!
9. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
...the same as the males...or of a different nature?
10. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?
Not much really. My hair.
Oops! Forgot! hereare my answers
Posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 17:11:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Poll...Longhair family ... posted by Rokker on August 28, 2002 at 12:24:29:
1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
...affected your 'hair decisions'?........1 girl...1 boy
2. Were you an 'only child'?......no, but I should have been.
3. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.....STRICT!
4.Did you make the 'decision' to grow your hair later in Life?
...If you did, what reactions did you receive from Family/Caregivers?........They NEVER liked it....never!
5.. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?....None from siblings....called 'hippie' by friends.
6. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!....Didn't say anything!
7. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
...the same as the males...or of a different nature?....Didn't like it.
8. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?...I don't give a damn!
Re: Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by SixStringThing on August 28, 2002 at 17:42:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Poll...Longhair family ... posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 11:08:16:
: 1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
: ...affected your 'hair decisions'? im an only chi;d
: 2. Or did you grow up with a 'mix' of girls and boys?
only child
: 3. Were you an 'only child'?
yes, i am, i still live w/my mom (im 17)
: 4. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.
i duuno about my dad, i live w/my mom and shes very strict about almost everything except my appearance, music etc. At first she did not like the idea of long hair but convincing her was rather easy.
: 5. If you started growing hair as a teen, what kind of 'opposition'
: ....or 'support' did you get from Family/Caregivers.
I am a teen, and I just started growing 10 months ago. My mom didn't like it but she changed her mind rather quickly, my dad wasnt thrilled about it but he seemed to not care as much.
: 6. Did you make the 'decision' to grow your hair later in Life?
: ...If you did, what reactions did you receive from Family/Caregivers? i haven't gone "later in life" yet
: 7. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?
my childhood friends are my everyday friends
: 8. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
: ...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!
most don't really seem to care much about what hairstyle i have.
: 9. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
: ...the same as the males...or of a different nature?
once again, nobody seems to really care
: 10. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
: ...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?
none since nobody has really given me an opinion
: This might give us an idea of any common traits and experiences
: we might have in common.
: Thanks
: .
Re: Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by Wetdog on August 29, 2002 at 02:26:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: Poll...Longhair family ... posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 11:08:16:
: 1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
: ...affected your 'hair decisions'?
I've got 2 brothers (younger), no sisters. Until I
was about 8 or 9 I lived with them, my parents,
and my dad's mom. When she died, we moved to where
we are now, where I'm still living with my parents
and brothers.
I guess I answered 2 and three here too, so on to...
: 4. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.
I suppose my parents would be called lenient. My brothers
and I are free to mange our own appearances. One of my
sibs (the older one) is also growing long hair ^_^ .
(I won't go into the nail polish thing he's doing...)
And of course, as I mentioned before, my dad had long hair
for a short time a few years back.
: 5. If you started growing hair as a teen, what kind of 'opposition'
: ....or 'support' did you get from Family/Caregivers.
My parents have been supportive. They're pleased that I'm
: 6. Did you make the 'decision' to grow your hair later in Life?
: ...If you did, what reactions did you receive from Family/Caregivers?
No, started at 17 or so.
: 7. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?
Apparently at least one of my brothers decided it looked good...
Having moved when I did, I dunno if I really have what you'd call
childhood friends. Truth be told, I never really had many friends
in general. Most people I knew were pretty neutral on the issue.
: 8. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
: ...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!
My dad was supportive, and I have a great uncle who had a
ponytail for some time, as (I am told) did one of my
great-grandfathers. Certainly no-one really had a problem
with it.
: 9. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
: ...the same as the males...or of a different nature?
I have an aunt who I'm not sure likes the look, but in general
they were ok with it.
: 10. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
: ...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?
I hope to emulate my parents should I have children of my own.
They have had quite a lasting effect on me.
Re: Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by Miikka on August 29, 2002 at 12:37:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: Poll...Longhair family ... posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 11:08:16:
1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
...affected your 'hair decisions'?
I have one sister, she is about four years younger than me. I don't think it in any way affects my hair decisions.
2. Or did you grow up with a 'mix' of girls and boys?
I have a brother three years younger than myself, and the sister mentioned above.
3. Were you an 'only child'?
4. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.
Generally lenient, because I'm a good kid. They're strcit when they have to be.
5. If you started growing hair as a teen, what kind of 'opposition'
....or 'support' did you get from Family/Caregivers.
My parent are kind of supportive. I don't think they really care that much what I do with my hair.
6. Did you make the 'decision' to grow your hair later in Life?
...If you did, what reactions did you receive from Family/Caregivers?
I did grow my hair longer in fifth grade... Kind of. I grew only the back, keeping the top trimmed, until it got to the bottom of my neck. I cut it at the end of the school year, from peer pressure. I used the excuse that I wanted my hair to be shorter for the summer, because of the heat in all. It may not have been true long hair, but I hated myself after I cut it. I've been trying to grow it out all summer, but ended up buzzing my hair every time. Eventually, I found this board and finally decided to grow it out.
7. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?
My siblings are pretty much indifferent about the whole thing. My friends don't seem to care, but one asked me to promise him that if I think it looks stupid, I will cut it.
8. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!
I've really only told my father, and he's fine with it.
9. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
...the same as the males...or of a different nature?
I guess indifferent, I haven't really had a problem when I told my mother and sister.
10. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?
Nothing at all. However, I'm glad that they're not opposed to it. Makes my life easier.
Re: Poll...Longhair family ...
Posted by Victor on September 03, 2002 at 21:26:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Poll...Longhair family ... posted by LucksKind on August 28, 2002 at 11:08:16:
: 1. Were you raised with several girls? If so, do you think it
: ...affected your 'hair decisions'?
I grew up with 3 brothers and no sisters.
: 2. Or did you grow up with a 'mix' of girls and boys?
... or only boys!
: 3. Were you an 'only child'?
: 4. Parents or Guardians STRICT, LENIENT, LIBERAL, etc., etc.
I don't think this question is well-defined enough to answer.
: 5. If you started growing hair as a teen, what kind of 'opposition'
: ....or 'support' did you get from Family/Caregivers.
In grades 3 through 9 I went to a Baptist boarding school. Consequently, decisions relating to such matters as hair were more closely governed by the school personnel than is typical in a non-boarding situation. My dorm father was a military brat who had a crew cut. At this time, I had what I now consider to be short hair. However, I guess it was still longer than average. I didn't like it unless it was at least covering my ears. My dorm father considered it too long if the earlobes were not showing. Unfortunately, there was no happy medium, except through procrastination on the part of the dorm father.
Anyway, pictured here is what I looked like in those days. I'm the one next to the girl in yellow with the long hair (I had a crush on her). This was a picture taken of the eigth grade banquet put on for the ninth graders (upper classmen). This year the theme was Narnia.
: 6. Did you make the 'decision' to grow your hair later in Life?
: ...If you did, what reactions did you receive from Family/Caregivers?
As I mentioned, above, I liked long hair even when I was young, although when my age was single digits, I preferred a crew cut. My mother particularly liked the waves my hair would get when it got long, and if it were up to her, it would have grown longer. She also really enjoyed the way it sparkled gold. She even wrote me poems about it (BWG).
: 7. What were the responses (if any) from siblings and/or childhood friends?
None whatsoever.
: 8. Were the 'Male figures' (fathers, uncles, men in authority over you...
: ...generally oppose Long Hair? Indifferent? Supportive?!
Generally indifferent, I suppose, although with a preference for short hair themselves. My dad grew a beard, something that seemed more notable among friends than hair length.
: 9. What about the adult Females' (in 'authority')...were their reactions...
: ...the same as the males...or of a different nature?
See my previous answer.
: 10. HOW MUCH of a lasting effect has your Family's/Caregiver's...
: ...opinion had on you. Or do you even care anymore?
It has had no impact on my hair growth any more than it had an impact on the color shirt I wear.