Please help!!!! Dandruff Problem

Please help!!!! Dandruff Problem
Posted by gkoshy on August 28, 2002 at 17:03:04: Previous Next

I am not sure if this is an appropriate topic for this forum but I am just too depressed...Can someone please help me on this one..I have had severe dandruff problem for a few years now and have used all kinds of shampoo and none have worked..Nizoral was the only one that came close to working but even that has stopped working..this has in turn embarrased me a lot of times..I take shower atleast twice a day and so I know it is not hygiene problem..I just can't figure this thing out....can anyone suggest any tips..I'm desperate as my self-confidence is in an all-time low..I have heard of using vinegar..does anyone know if it works or could someone suggest some other remedies..

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