The Look or the Feelings?

The Look or the Feelings?
Posted by Michael D on August 29, 2002 at 16:12:16: Previous Next

I would like to know why you are going the long Hair Way: because of it`s Look or because of it`s Feeling, all those Sensations that come when it gets longer?
For me, after a shorthaired Childhood, it was the Look that I was attracted to. Now, when I finally decided to let that Wish come true, every Week there is a new Experience with my Hair that I have never had before in my Life:
I remember when it first warmed up my Ears even in cold Wind (in Contrast, I hatet it coming out of the Barber Shop, where I was forced to go, with “cold Ears”; it let me feel that a Part of my Body was gone..)
It tickeled in my Eyes – and I wasn’t angry about that.
The first Time when it brushed my Shoulders –o yeah!! ( even if I had to bend my Neck for this Sensation!)
And the one Day, one Morning, I noticed I had to pull it out of my T- Shirt!
It sticks to my Back when I come out of the Shower and says to me: Dude, I am there!
No, I will never again cut it. I love it as it is, with all his asymmetrical Waves and even the Tangles.
And it is the best Thing of the Morning to care about it and watching in the Mirror: that`s really me!
The Look and the Feeling – for me its about 50 /50 ! And may be, the latter will increase…
(sorry for my English)

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