1/2 are Gay? Bold statement !!!!..

1/2 are Gay? Bold statement !!!!..
Posted by LucksKind on August 31, 2002 at 10:49:23: Previous Next

"Most of us who post on the Buzzboard do, certainly, like short hair
- on themselves or others. And there ARE many of us who are gay, probably about half[!!] But most of us are NOT judgmental about guys with long hair, and absolutely respect the rights of ANYONE to wear his hair the way he wants.
I realize that some of you have posted there, and gotten blasted; but you've had many defenders, including myself. I believe there should be harmony between both groups - which is why I made this post." ~BuzzCT

....Whew! Congrats for having the guts to even say anything like that!
...I don't think I should believe it though...
...cause my self-preservation instincts are quite strong : )

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