Does people will imitate you?
Posted by Remi on September 01, 2002 at 11:19:39: Previous Next
Do you think that having long hair encourage other people to start growing their hair too? Personnally, there was a guy in my hometown with long hair, and he was one of my inspirations. First, it takes a few guys to do it and others will follow. I think it is how it works.
people will imitate you?
Posted by LucksKind on September 01, 2002 at 13:57:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does people will imitate you? posted by Remi on September 01, 2002 at 11:19:39:
: "Do you think that having long hair encourage other people to start growing their hair too? Personnally, there was a guy in my hometown with long hair, and he was one of my inspirations. First, it takes a few guys to do it and others will follow. I think it is how it works."
...Yes, in a way, I think you've got something there...
....seeing Longhairs MAY encourage others to 'give it a try' but...
..... it might work the OTHER way too for some when they see buzzcuts?
.....I think the REAL answer is already IN your head...and then maybe
actually seeing it on somebody else might make it come to the surface?
Re: Does people will imitate you?
Posted by slacker on September 05, 2002 at 19:17:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does people will imitate you? posted by Remi on September 01, 2002 at 11:19:39:
: Do you think that having long hair encourage other people to start growing their hair too? Personnally, there was a guy in my hometown with long hair, and he was one of my inspirations. First, it takes a few guys to do it and others will follow. I think it is how it works.
Sure it does. People see something they like and imitate it. Surely you got the basic idea for your cut and style from someone else, or a combination of styles you've seen, with your own personal touch. I've never seen anyone with my hairstyle, and I hope to keep it that way. And I wouldn't ever try to imitate a certain person's style, but mine comes from a hybrid of stuff I've seen over the years, and my own personal touch.
At my middle school, the kids that were into music like Nirvana had bowl cuts. Then in high school, they all started growing it long around the same time, and then later they all cut it down to several inches, started dying it different colors and spiking it.
Its often celebrities that start something. Think Jennifer Anniston.
Also, if anyone is familar with the pop boy band LFO, I blame them for making the preppie, "college kid" cut popular, you know, the shortish hair, kinda spikey especially in front, usually with gel. And I blame them for the highlights-on-top thing, too. I live in the Midwest, so maybe this had been around in Cali or something before it exploded here, but here it started when their videos got popular on MTV.
Re: Does people will imitate you?
Posted by Tim Beard on September 10, 2002 at 05:49:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does people will imitate you? posted by Remi on September 01, 2002 at 11:19:39:
: Do you think that having long hair encourage other people to start growing their hair too?
Yes. At times I grew my hair out, others were growing their hair out to. People often encourage each other. This applies to beards as well has hair. And the same occures with relatives.
Re: Does people will imitate you?
Posted by Victor on September 11, 2002 at 22:33:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does people will imitate you? posted by Remi on September 01, 2002 at 11:19:39:
: Do you think that having long hair encourage other people to start growing their hair too? Personnally, there was a guy in my hometown with long hair, and he was one of my inspirations. First, it takes a few guys to do it and others will follow. I think it is how it works.
Judging from emails I have received from people visiting this site, the answer is a definite yes!