Uncle Mark cut his hair

Uncle Mark cut his hair
Posted by LucksKind on September 01, 2002 at 19:21:16: Previous Next

...Read his story

..."As a young adult in my "hippie days," I wore long hair.
We were so committed to our long hair that we wore
short-haired wigs to comply with our high school's strict
dress code.
We stuffed long locks under the wigs to comply with school rules
requiring boys to keep hair short and most whiskers shaved.

The State Supreme Court in October upheld the school district's suspension of a boy with a 7-inch ponytail. It got him kicked out of class.
His mother sued the school district for discrimination.

The high court's 7-1 ruling said...
"The requirement that males wear their hair no longer than a certain length
may be out of step with the social norms of the moment,
but it does not deprive male students of an equal opportunity
to receive an education or to participate in school functions."

The battle for boys to wear long hair in school continues to this day...
...This is sickening

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