new to board / starting again

new to board / starting again
Posted by TheShowstoppa on September 02, 2002 at 19:12:14: Previous Next

Hey everyone! First time poster, long time lurker here. I had long hair all through high school until I graduated from college. I cut it after graduating only to let it grow out two years, then I cut it again and kept it as a regular "business" type of haircut for awhile. A few years ago an ex-girlfriend took me in and had my hair buzzed off. I got quite addicted to it and my hair hasnt been over a quarter of an inch for the past three years.
I'm posting for this reason...I'm now wanting to grow my hair out but I dont know if I can get over the urge to buzz my hair anymore. It's really tough. I hate how it grows out all bristly and uneven and when I see that, I just wanna get it buzzed off again cos I lose patience.
I'm hoping that the people on the board here can be of some support. I used to have a lot of girls tell me not to ever cut my hair cos it was so beautiful. But, I didnt listen. I really want to let it go halfway down my back again, but I just dont know if I have the patience anymore. When I think that it could take three just seems like a lost cause. Does anyone have any suggestions? I hope so. I'll post pics of me with long hair from before and me with my hair now if it'll help. I want to let it grow...I'm just not sure I have the committment to it or the willpower to let it grow anymore.
Thanks everybody.

The Showstoppa

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